
The Father’s Response to Rebellion and Repentance

Far From the Father

May 16, 2021 • Jonathan Pokluda • Luke 15:1–24

What do you believe about God? Who and what has contributed to that belief? Are you sure you are right? As we start a new series, Far From the Father, JP teaches us about God by examining when Jesus taught about the Father in Luke 15.


-“What comes to a person’s mind when they think about God is the most important thing about them.” -AW Tozer

-When the gospels talk about “sinner” they are talking about a class of people. When they talk about “tax collectors” they are talking about people who took 85% and used part of the money to oppress the very people (the Jews) they took it from.

-Asking your father for your inheritance in Bible times was the equivalent of saying, “Dad, I wish you were dead.”

-Sometimes when we aren’t pursuing the Lord it makes all the sense in the world that we are experiencing a storm or a famine in our lives.

-When you rebel, God will let you.

-God wants you to know that life can be found in Him alone. Not possessions, money, experiences, or anything else. Only Him.

-Read Romans chapter 1 for a commentary of what is happening in our culture today.

-Do you really want God, or do you just want His stuff?

-Most of us superstitiously approach God, trying to say our prayers just right, hoping to get what we want because what we want is not Him.

-If you like what you got, keep doing what you are doing. But if you keep doing what you are doing, you are not going to like what you got.

-Some of the richest and most “free” people in the world are the most depressed and anxious.

-The Bible is brilliant, and the way you will miss the truths it teaches is by thinking you already have them.

-Do you ever plan to pray rather than pray?

-Do not be deceived: God has seen everything. The darkest perversions of your heart and everything you’ve ever done. He has seen and knows it all.

-When you come to ruin, God hurts with you.

-God isn’t hurt by you, but He hurts with you. The Son was hurt for you.

-The way the world was designed by God is that sin will always have consequences. Eternally, because of Jesus, we are free. But on this earth, sin always has consequences.

-God looks at you and He embraces you. He’s not scared of your filth.

-Sometimes when you hurt in relationships, it’s good and healthy to create boundaries with those people. However, you need to understand that God doesn’t do that. He radically pursues you.

-The number one metaphor for heaven is a party.

-When you repent, God restores you.

-What someone celebrates tells you a lot about them.

-What do you celebrate? If you are a parent, what do you celebrate in your kids’ lives?

-What does God celebrate? He celebrates repentance.

-Repentance is owning whatever you did and taking the consequences as they come. It’s turning from your sin and turning to God.


-Suggested Scripture Study: Luke 15:1-24; Romans 1

-Book: The Prodigal God by Tim Keller