
The Final Battle

Unseen Battle

May 1, 2022 • Nate Hilgenkamp • Revelation 19:6–21

Have you ever watched a replay of a sporting event where you already knew the outcome? When you know the outcome, it changes how you watch the game. As we finish our series, Unseen Battle, Nate Hilgenkamp teaches through Revelation 19, showing us who wins, who loses, and how we live in light of these truths.


- Revelation was not written to confuse the church but to encourage the church.

- What you believe about Jesus is of utmost importance; it will directly impact how you live.

- Jesus is coming to claim His victory.

- Everyone ends up at a feast, but they are two very different feasts.

- Satan and his army will lose.

- There is no uncontested middle ground in life. You are either living for the glory of God or for the glory of satan.

- Jesus taught more about hell than heaven and described it in much greater detail.

- The entirety of the Christian life is to prepare for Christ’s return.

- Our job is to get ready for the feast.

- Jesus wins and then hands us the victory.

- This life matters, but what you make important in this life will have eternal significance in the life to come.

- When know how everything ends, so don’t get distracted by temporal things here and now.

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