
Watch Where You're Standing

Harris Creek Baptist Church

September 10, 2023 • Nate Hilgenkamp

As we continue in our series, “Forged”, Nate reminds us that our Savior is the cornerstone; the foundation on which our faith stands upon. He shows us that we must hold strong to the rock of our faith, even as the world stumbles over Him. Nate points to 1 Peter to show us that where we stand matters!

Peter 2:4-10

1) Our Savior is the stone on which we are shaped

2) Our Savior is the stone on which the world stumbles

3) Our Savior is the stone on which our title is secured

Life Group Questions:

1. What have you built your foundation on? What are ways to continue to build your foundation in Jesus instead of the things of this world?

2. The five spiritual sacrifices are your body, finances, praise, service, and soul. How can you continue to sacrifice these things in order to bring glory to our Savior?

3. What is something that if it were taken away, you would not be okay? How can you align your priorities so that Jesus remains the cornerstone of your life?

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