
Living in the End Times

Harris Creek Baptist Church

October 22, 2023 • Jonathan Pokluda

As we continue in our series, “Forged,” JP reminds us that we are called to live as though Jesus is returning in our lifetime. JP looks to 1 Peter to show us how we should use our gifts to serve the body of Christ with sacrificial love. If we are truly living on mission for Christ, we wouldn’t have the desire to change how we live our lives on the day He returns. 

1 Peter 4:7-11

       1) Pray with perspective

       2) Love without lamenting

       3) Glorify God with your gifts

Life Group Questions:

1. As believers we are called to pray with a sense of urgency. How can you improve your prayer life in a way that is others focused?

2. Paul reminds us in 1 Peter to meet the needs of everyone around you with a sacrificial love. How have you shown hospitality to others even when it is inconvenient for you?

3. Each of us have been equipped with spiritual gifts that are essential to the body of Christ. What is a need that you have seen within the church and how can your gift be illuminated in that ministry?

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