The purpose of this session is to discover God’s transforming work in our darkest moments in life and to learn from young David how we can carry ourselves and find peace and strength in God. We will be invited and encouraged to practice mindfulness and gratitude to be present in the now regardless of our external circumstances.
The purpose of this session is to discern what it means to trust God as a requirement to navigate the uncertainty of life as we walk forward. We will be reminded of how we can trust God as shared in Proverbs 3, and we are invited to practice it in our personal and communal lives.
The purpose of this session is to discern how we find joy, peace, and happiness when things feel so unclear and uncertain. Through Jeremiah’s words, we will be reminded of God’s plan for our future with the hope to thrive in new ways beyond mere survival. We will discern how we keep planting the seeds of hope for our future generations to give birth.