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Stay connected with Haddonfield United Methodist Church through our official app! Our app connects you to a variety of resources, including audio and video sermons, daily reflections, in-app giving, and more. Features: Worship - Watch sermons and download them to your device to listen offline - Live stream our 9am & 10:30 am worship services from your mobile device - Find archives of worship Study - Weekly Sermon Notes for active listening of the week's sermon - Connect Guides to deepen understanding of the week's sermon - Video Classes - Daily Reflections by pastors and laity Serve - Shopping lists and sign up forms for mission projects Give - Give online safely and securely through the app At Haddonfield UMC, we seek to ignite passionate faith, build up the next generation of faithful leaders, and respond to the hurts and needs around us as we seek to be the church in a hurting world. Download our app to connect with our church community from anywhere! Haddonfield UMC is located in Haddonfield, NJ. For more information about Haddonfield UMC, please visit: