
"Rest" - Traditional Worship

August 4, 2024 • Pastor Mick Whistler • Exodus 20:8–11

Read Exodus 20: 1-17. (today’s focus is v. 8-11)

1. What does the word “Sabbath” mean to you?

2. What does it mean to “remember the Sabbath”?

3. What does it mean to “keep the Sabbath holy”? (hint: holy

means “set apart”)

4. What do you think are the primary purposes (and benefits) of


5. How does Sabbath-keeping create a healthy rhythm of life?

How can life get out of rhythm when we don’t keep the


6. Pastor Mick described Sabbath as a gift more than a legal

requirement. What did he mean by that? Do you agree?

Why/why not?

7. Read Mark 2: 23-27. How does this passage help us better

understand Sabbath?

8. Pastor Mick described Sabbath appropriate activities as “doing

what makes your soul sing.” What did he mean by that? Do

you agree? What makes your soul sing?

9. In what ways can “busy-ness” be a tool used by the enemy to

distract us from our relationship with God? How can Sabbath

be a solution to this problem?

10. What are some practical ways you can retreat from the world

and rest with God, like Jesus often did?

Prayer for the Week:

Almighty God, we thank you for the gift of Sabbath. We thank you

for the gift of rest and time set apart to be with you. We thank

you for commanding a rhythm of life that leads to wholeness and

happiness. Forgive us for the times we allow our busyness to

distract us from you. Help us to truly remember the Sabbath and

keep it holy so that we might live the abundant life you created us

to live. We pray all of this in the name of the One who makes all

things possible, our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, who

lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and

forever. Amen.