
"All You Need is Love" - Traditional Worship

October 13, 2024 • Pastor Matt Overman • Lamentations 3:21–26

1. What does it mean that God’s heart is loving? How has your understanding

of God's love grown or changed over time?

2. How do we reconcile God's love with the suffering we see in the world?

How can we trust in God’s love even in difficult circumstances?

3. We believe that God’s love is not earned but is a free gift (Romans 6: 23).

How does this concept challenge the way you think about your relationship

with God?

4. In what ways have you experienced God's love personally? Can you share a

moment when you felt God's love most clearly in your life?

5. The Bible says God is love (1 John 4: 8). How does knowing that God's very

nature is love impact the way you view God?

6. What practical steps can we take to love others the way God loves us?

How can we show unconditional love in our daily relationships?

7. How does God's loving heart motivate us to serve others? In what areas of

your life is God calling you to reflect His love more clearly?

8. What role does repentance and forgiveness play in understanding and

experiencing God's love?

9. How have you seen God’s love transform you or others through


10. How can we grow in trusting God's love when we feel distant from God?

Prayer for the Week:

Heavenly Father, we are grateful for the depth of Your love that knows no

bounds. Thank You for loving us, not because of anything we have done, but

because of who You are. Help us to truly grasp that Your love is unconditional,

freely given, and never earned. Let this truth take root deep in our hearts.

When life is hard and suffering surrounds us, remind us that Your love remains

constant. Teach us to lean into Your love, knowing that You are with us in

every moment of joy and every valley of pain.

Lord, as we experience Your love, help us to reflect it to others. Open our eyes

to those around us who are in need of love, and show us practical ways to

serve them with a heart like Yours—one that is patient, kind, and sacrificial.

May we be people who love without conditions, just as You love us.

This week, draw us closer to You, especially when we feel distant. Remind us of

Your loving presence and help us to trust in it more deeply. May our lives be a

witness to the world of Your great love, so that others may come to know You

through the way we love and serve them. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.