"A New Direction" - Traditional Worship

January 5, 2025 • Pastor Mick Whistler • Matthew 2:1–12

Read Matthew 2: 1-12.

1. What do you think of when you hear the word epiphany? How is the

term “Epiphany” used differently in the church compared to its usage

outside the church?

2. How is the Magi story an illustration of God’s grace, specifically from

the Wesleyan understanding of grace (prevenient, justifying,


3. In what ways did the Magi have “aha” moments in this story? When

have you had similar “aha” moments along your faith journey?

4. What drew the Magi to Jesus? What draws you to Jesus?

5. How did the Magi respond when they found Jesus? What is your

response to Jesus?

6. What is the significance of the Magi not being of Jewish descent?

What does that mean for the world even today?

7. Scripture tells us that the Magi “returned to their country by another

route.” In what ways has Jesus changed the direction of your life?

8. Why do you think the Magi presented Jesus with such valuable gifts?

How was this part of their worship? What does this teach us about

giving generously?

Prayer for the Week:

Gracious and loving God, our light and our salvation, be present with us

and shine upon us. Teach us to walk as children of the light, to give our

praise and prayers. Just as the magi worshiped the Christ Child and

presented him with their finest gifts, may we give ourselves to you in

joyous celebration, knowing that all we are and all we have belongs to

you. And Lord, we pray for those who, even today, are still living in the

darkness of this world rather than living in the light of your love, mercy

and grace. We pray that your goodness and mercy will shine in even the

darkest corners of all our lives, drawing us closer to you, through Jesus

Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.