
"Equipping for Abundant Life" - Traditional Worship

July 7, 2024 • Pastor Mick Whistler • Matthew 7:24–27

Read Matthew 7: 24-27.

1. What do you think of when you hear the word “equip”?

2. In what way is Jesus equipping his followers in the Sermon on the

Mount (Matthew 5-7)?

3. Why do you think Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount with the

Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders? Why are parables

effective for equipping?

4. What might using parables (stories) to equip look like in your

everyday life with others, especially with your kids or grandkids?

Why is this method often more effective than simply stating a list

of specific rules and consequences?

5. Why is it so important for us to practice what we preach when

attempting to equip others for Godly living?

6. Pastor Mick shared an example of watching a You Tube video to

learn how to do something vs. simply reading a manual. What

implications does this have for us when we attempt to equip others

for Godly living?

7. The Sermon on the Mount was part of Jesus’ early ministry teaching.

He then went on to model this kind of living in his daily life. Why is

such modeling so important? What parts of your life are effective

Christian modelling and what parts could use a little help?

8. Do you feel like your life is built on a rock solid foundation that has

no cracks or weak spots? Why/ why not?

9. What should we do if we find cracks or weak spots in our

foundations? How can we repair and strengthen our foundations

throughout our lives?

10. What building elements did Pastor Mick say are better than brick

and mortar? Do you agree? Why / why not?

Prayer for the Week:

Lord Jesus, you are the rock-solid foundation on which we want to build

our lives. You are the cornerstone of Godly living that leads to abundant

and eternal life. Your body and blood, broken and shed for us, are the

essential elements we need to build the lives you created us to live.

Help us, Lord, to use those elements to build the foundation we need to

withstand the storms of life, and help others to do the same. Equip us

to be your disciples, who go and make new disciples, for the

transformation of the world. May all that we say and do, always and

everywhere, draw others to you and bring you glory. We pray all of this

in your precious, holy, and strong name, Lord Jesus. Amen.