
"Be Content" - Traditional Worship

September 15, 2024 • Pastor Matt Overman • Exodus 20:1–21

Read Exodus 20: 17.

1. What does it mean to be truly content, and how does that look in daily life?

2. How does coveting affect our relationship with God and others? What are some

examples of how covetousness can damage community and trust?

3. What role does gratitude play in overcoming a covetous heart?

4. How does our culture encourage covetousness, and how can we resist this

influence? What practical steps can we take to live counter-culturally in this


5. What are some specific things you find yourself coveting, and why do you think

those things have a hold on you? What can you do to shift your focus away from


6. How can trusting in God’s provision help us combat feelings of discontent or envy?

7. In what ways can the pursuit of material things lead to spiritual emptiness? How

can we balance meeting our needs with avoiding the desire for excess?

8. How do we differentiate between healthy ambition or desire and sinful coveting?

Where is the line between wanting to improve our lives and coveting what others


9. What spiritual practices can help us become more content with what we have and

who we are? How can these practices reshape our hearts and minds away from


Read Exodus 20: 1-21.

1. How do the first four commandments (focused on our relationship with God)

shape and influence how we follow the last six commandments (focused on our

relationships with others)?

2. In what ways do the commandments collectively call us to live a life of love,

justice, and holiness?

3. Which of the 10 Commandments do you find most challenging to live out, and


4. How does obedience to the 10 Commandments foster true freedom and peace,

both personally and in community?

5. How do the 10 Commandments as a whole help us develop a deeper

understanding of God’s will for our lives?

Prayer for the Week:

Gracious God, we confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart and that

we have broken your laws. We ask that you guide us in Your wisdom as we seek to

follow Your commandments, and learn to love You with all our heart and loving others

as You have loved us. Help us to be content with what we have, to resist envy, and to

trust in Your faithful provision. Strengthen us to walk in Your peace, showing kindness,

grace, and truth in all we do. May our lives reflect Your light, and may we find joy in

serving You each day.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.