
"American Idols" - Traditional Worship

July 21, 2024 • Pastor Mick Whistler • Exodus 20:4–6

Read Exodus 20: 1-17. (today’s focus is v. 4-6)

1. What does the word idolatry mean to you? How would you describe an


2. What kind of idolatry were the ancient Israelites guilty of practicing? What

kind of idolatry is prevalent in today’s society? Why is modern idolatry

sometimes harder to recognize?

3. Why is God so concerned about idols? How does this Commandment

compare with the first Commandment we discussed last week?

4. Why do you think people tend to drift into idolatry? Can good things

become idols? What are some otherwise good things that can become

idols if we’re not careful?

5. Read Romans 1: 18-25. How does this passage relate to the 2nd

Commandment? (hint: focus on verses 23 and 25)

6. When we fall into idolatry, what tends to happen to the relationship

between us and God? How about the relationship between us and others?

(hint: see Romans 1: 28-31)

7. Read Psalm 106. How does this Psalm tell the story of Israel’s idolatry

and redemption? (hint: focus on verses 13-14, 20, 28, 35-39, and 45)

8. The most famous (and easily recognizable) idol in Scripture is the golden

calf (see Exodus 32). What “golden calves” or “sacred cows” still exist in

the church today? How do these idols impact our worship and mission?

9. Pastor Mick’s commentary says, “The point is: Exchange your God for an

idol, and you will exchange your genuine humanness for a distorted

version, which will do you no good.” In what ways does idolatry distort our

genuine humanness? (hint: see Romans 1: 28-31)

10. Is there any hope for an idolatrous nation? (hint: see Psalm 106: 44-48 and

2 Chronicles 7: 14)

Prayer for the Week:

Almighty God, forgive us for our tendencies toward idolatry, in which we lift up

parts of creation over our Creator. Help us to identify and eradicate any and all

sacred cows in our lives that we have allowed to reside in the sacred space of

our hearts that is reserved for you and you alone. Hear our cries, O Lord, and

through your great love, relent from punishing us as we deserve. Through our

repentance, give us clean hands and clean hearts, drawing us back into a deep

and abiding relationship with you. Restore your image within us, that others

may see you in and through us, and return to you as well. We pray all of this in

the name of the One who makes all things possible, our Risen Lord and Savior,

Jesus the Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God,

now and forever. Amen.