
"The One and Only" - Traditional Worship

July 14, 2024 • Pastor Mick Whistler • Exodus 20:1–3

Read Exodus 20: 1-17 (today’s focus is v. 1-3).

1. How do we know that the 10 Commandments are given directly by

God? (hint: see Exodus 20: 1 and 31: 18)

2. What does it mean to you that the 10 Commandments were etched

in stone by the finger of God? How do you treat these

Commandments in your everyday living?

3. Why do you think these Commandments are on two tablets instead

of all being on one tablet? Is it just a matter of space, or is there

more to it than that?

4. Read Matthew 22: 37-38. How does Jesus’ response to the

Pharisees connect with the 10 Commandments and the two tablets?

5. How does the way we relate to God impact the way we relate to

others, and vice-versa?

6. Read Psalm 119: 97-104. How did David feel about God’s Law?

How does this compare with the way you view God’s Law?

7. Why is it so important to put God first in our lives?

8. In what ways did the Israelites and other ancient cultures have other

gods? In what ways does our current culture have other gods?

9. What “gods” of this world compete for your attention and threaten

to distract you from putting God first in your life? What can you do

to avoid these distractions and truly have no other gods before God?

10. Read Exodus 34: 14. How is God jealous? Why is God jealous?

What does this mean to you?

Prayer for the Week:

Gracious and loving God, Oh how we love your Law. Give us hearts and

minds to meditate on it all day long. Help us to seek you, find you, and

put you first, above anyone and anything else in our lives. Forgive us for

the times we have allowed the things of this world to distract us and

push you out of your rightful place in our lives. Forgive us our

transgressions and draw us closer to you that we might share your pure

and perfect love with everyone around us. We pray all of this in the

name of the One who makes all things possible, our Risen Lord and

Savior, Jesus the Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy

Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.