
"High Fidelity" - Traditional Worship

August 25, 2024 • Pastor Mick Whistler • Exodus 20:14

Read Exodus 20: 1-17 (today’s focus is v. 14).

1. What does the word “adultery” mean to you? How about the words

“fidelity” and “infidelity”?

2. The RightNow Media study this week describes physical intimacy as both

a wonderful and dangerous gift. What do you think they mean by that?

In what ways is it wonderful? In what ways can it be dangerous?

3. How does physical intimacy connect two people? (hint: see Genesis 2: 24

and Matthew 19: 4-6) Does it connect us more than just physically?

If so, how?

4. Read Matthew 5: 27-28. Here Jesus expands this commandment much

like we saw last week regarding murder. How do these verses make

Commandment #7 much more difficult to keep?

5. Read the story of Abram, Sarai, and Hagar in Genesis 16. How did Sarai’s

suggestion ultimately affect all of their lives? What does this tell us about

the power of physical intimacy and the need for fidelity?

6. Read the story of David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11-12. What should

David have done when he initially saw Bathsheba? What did he do

instead? How does this story relate to Matthew 5: 27-28?

7. Pastor Mick shared the saying, “If you hang out at a barber shop long

enough, you’re going to get your hair cut.” What did he mean by this?

What is this warning us against?

8. Think about the traditional marriage vows. How might failing to honor

any/all of those vows be forms of infidelity?

9. Read Philippians 4: 8. How can this verse help us avoid temptation

and sin?

10. How would our world be different/better if everyone practiced high


Prayer for the Week:

Almighty God, we thank you for creating us in your image. We thank you for

creating us to live, not alone, but in relationship with others. Forgive us for the

times we are more selfish than selfless, doing harm to the relationships we

value most. Help us to do better. Remind us to focus on excellent and

praiseworthy things, thus leading our hearts and minds away from temptation

and safeguarding us from sin. Help us live lives of high fidelity, with you and

with others, that we might truly transform the world through love. We pray all

of this in the name of the One who enables us to do all things, our Risen Lord

and Savior, Jesus the Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and forever. Amen.