Mission Moments
Up-to-date mission news, events, and prayer requests
Mission Moment
March 23, 2025 • Scott Ward
Speak Life is our new evangelism training where we will be specifically teaching you how to effectively share the gospel. In this training you will learn... different methods for sharing the gospel, common objections and questions and how to overcome them, how to share the gospel with those of different religions. Be sure and get registered on our website. It will be Sunday, April 6, 6pm-8pm, in Room 120.
Mission Moment
March 16, 2025 • Scott Ward
What better way to celebrate Easter than the Walk/Run for Life! On the Saturday morning before Easter, come out and walk a mile or run a 5K race. This is a fundraiser for First Choice Pregnancy Medical Center. If you choose to walk, it is free to sign up (be sure to join our church's team!) and you are encouraged to ask people to donate in honor of you walking. If you choose to run the 5K, you will go to a link that will lead you to register for the race. Go to... http://www.1stchoicefortsmith.com/walk-for-life
Mission Moment
March 9, 2025 • Scott Ward
Join us as we spread kindness and encouragement throughout our community on St. Patrick’s Day! We’re asking church members to buy a box or two of donuts and take them to a local school, business, or first responders as a simple way to show appreciation and share God’s love. On the Sunday before St. Patrick's Day (March 16) come by the Missions Area in Guest Services to pick up some encouragement notes.
Mission Moment
March 2, 2025 • Scott Ward
A Go Clip is a one-hour Zoom call where our church connects with one of our mission partners—whether an international missionary or a national church planter. Each Tuesday starting March 11, we’ll hear firsthand what God is doing in their ministry, followed by a time for Q&A and prayer. This is a powerful way to engage with missions, encourage those serving on the frontlines, and grow in our understanding of how we can be part of God’s work around the world.
Mission Moment
February 23, 2025 • Scott Ward
Say Something is a training designed to help you move conversations naturally to talking about spiritual things with the hope of eventually getting to the gospel. In this training, we talk about... 10 spiritual conversation killers, 9 principles for creating "God space,” and 7 stages of making disciples. Be sure and get registered. It is free, but it allows us the opportunity to make sure we have enough material for everyone.
Mission Moment
February 16, 2025 • Scott Ward
We will be hosting a blood drive on Sunday, March 2, in Room 120 from 8:30am until 12pm. You can sign up in the Missions Area of Guest Services or sign up through our website. Donors will receive a free shirt while supplies last. Why should a Christian give blood? Donating blood is a simple yet powerful way for Christians to love their neighbors and follow Christ’s example of selfless giving. Jesus shed His blood to give us eternal life, and while we cannot do the same, we can share our blood to help save lives physically. Acts 20:35 reminds us that "it is more blessed to give than to receive," and giving blood is a tangible act of compassion that meets urgent medical needs. Whether for accident victims, surgery patients, or those battling disease, your donation can be the difference between life and death—an opportunity to reflect Christ’s love in a real and meaningful way.
Mission Moment
February 9, 2025 • Scott Ward
We are asking you to write down who your ONE is on a commitment card. This is someone who is near to you but far from God. This will launch a campaign to take us to Easter, and our prayer is that you will use this opportunity to... - pray for your ONE - engage your ONE in spiritual conversations - share the gospel with your ONE - invite your ONE to Easter
Mission Moment
February 2, 2025 • Scott Ward
We will be taking our annual family mission trip to Wyoming July 25 - August 2. Our deadline for signing up is February 23rd. We sign up early for this trip because reservations in the area fill up quickly. To sign your family up, email mailto:scott@gabc.church to let our mission pastor know. This we will continue to work with the Northern Arapaho on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Riverton, Wyoming. We will also be helping a local church named United Baptist Church to do a children's sport's camp. They just got a new pastor and are looking to reach out to the community more.
Mission Moment
January 26, 2025 • Scott Ward
On this Sunday we will celebrate the sanctity of human life and raise awareness about 1st Choice Pregnancy Medical Center. We also do a diaper drive throughout the month of January to go to 1st Choice. What is the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday? On January 22, 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a presidential proclamation designating the third Sunday of January (or close to that) as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. Pastors, churches, and life organizations across the United States use this day to bring awareness to the attacks that are daily waged against human life through the abortion industry. One of the best ways we can protect unborn lives is by bringing into the light the darkness of abortion and supporting local Pregnancy Help Organizations who daily reach women and families with messages of hope and life, such as 1st Choice.
Mission Moment
January 19, 2025 • Scott Ward
With the cold weather upon us, we are in need of blankets for our Helping Hand Ministry. If you have any or can purchase some, we will be collecting them throughout the month of January in Guest Services. HELPING HAND MINISTRY Our Helping Hand Ministry is located across Grand Avenue from our main church building. This ministry provides food and clothing for people in need. It is run by volunteers.
Mission Moment
January 12, 2025 • Scott Ward
On January 26th, we will be asking you to write down who your One is. This is someone who is near to you but far from God. This will launch a campaign to take us to Easter, and our prayer is that you will use this opportunity to build a relationship with your One, start spiritual conversations with them, share the gospel with them, and invite them to church. Throughout the next few months, we will be hosting some training and prayer times in order to better equip you to reach your One.
Mission Moment
January 5, 2025 • Scott Ward
Throughout the month of January in celebration of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, we will be collecting diapers of all sizes for 1st Choice Pregnancy Medical Center. The last day to bring diapers will be Sunday, January 26. What is 1st Choice? 1st Choice Pregnancy Medical Center in Fort Smith, Arkansas provides pregnancy medical services, referrals, and education to women and families experiencing an unexpected pregnancy or in need of additional support. We believe women have the right to get information from a resource that will not profit from their choice. All our services are confidential and available at no cost to you.
Mission Moment
December 22, 2024 • Scott Ward
We would like to invite everyone to use our Lottie Moon Mailbox this year. This is a great way to get your Christmas cards out without paying a ton for postage. Bring your cards by, stick them in the alphabetical slots, and check your slot for cards. Any money that you might save on postage, we would love for you to donate that to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
Mission Moment
December 15, 2024 • Scott Ward
On December 22 we will be taking up the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. 100% of the money raised will go to fund our missionaries on the field. Please be praying about what you and your family can give. What is the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering? Lottie Moon was sent as a Southern Baptist missionary to China from 1873 to 1912. She saw firsthand the world’s greatest problem — LOSTNESS. Meeting so many people who had never heard the gospel compelled her to write letters to American churches describing the need for a greater missionary presence. She pleaded for increased prayer and financial support to send and sustain more missionaries. This challenge became known as the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®.
Mission Moment
December 8, 2024 • Scott Ward
On December 14th, 6pm-8pm, our church will be hosting the Holiday Express at Creekmore Park. This is an event that brings out hundreds of people to ride the Christmas train and see all of the beautiful lights. We will be out there passing out free hot chocolate and candy canes, plus giving all of the budding superstars a chance at Christmas karaoke! This is a LOT of fun, and we want to invite everyone to come out and enjoy this wonderful evening. We are also looking for volunteers to help.