
God's Design for Marriage

Colossians 3:18-19

November 26, 2023 • Chad Kettler • Colossians 3:18–19

In this sermon, Pastor Chad expounds on Colossians 3:18-21, emphasizing God's design for Christian marriages and families. He explains that scripture calls for a complementary view of gender roles, with male headship and female submission, stressing that submission should be willing not coerced. Husbands must lovingly lead without domination, following Christ's sacrificial example, while wives should respectfully appeal to husbands rather than trying to control them. Healthy Christian marriages require authority and intimacy to reflect Christ's relationship with the church.

More from Colossians

Gospel Gratefulness

September 17, 2023 • Chad Kettler • Colossians 1:1–8

In this sermon, Pastor Chad Kettler introduces a 13-week study through Colossians. We hope this will rekindle your passion and love for Jesus Christ by reminding you of Christ's supremacy and sufficiency. Chad emphasizes that everything revolves around Jesus - our lives, eternity, and the church exist for Him. Chad then explains key gospel concepts like salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. He also discusses the importance of ongoing faith in Jesus and love for fellow believers as evidence of salvation. Chad stresses that fixing our hope in Christ fuels our faith and love. He encourages the church to turn their eyes to Jesus, their hope, rather than themselves.

A Worthy Walk

September 24, 2023 • Chris Meads • Colossians 1:9–14

In this sermon, Chris Meads unpacks Paul's prayer for the Colossian church to attain full spiritual maturity in Christ. Paul prays that believers would be filled with knowledge of God's will in order to live in a manner worthy and fully pleasing to the Lord. This means bearing fruit in all areas of life, deepening one's relationship with God, depending on His power to endure, and cultivating constant gratitude. Chris challenges listeners to consider if their life's pursuits align with the aim of knowing and doing God's will. He calls for prayerful dependence on the Spirit to equip Christians as fully mature spiritual adults who live undivided, fruitful lives that glorify God.

The Supremacy of Jesus Christ

October 1, 2023 • Chad Kettler • Colossians 1:15–20

In this sermon, Pastor Chad Kettler preaches on the supreme authority and lordship of Jesus Christ over all of creation, as described in Colossians 1:15-20. He explains that Christ is supreme by nature, being the perfect image and representation of the invisible God. Jesus is also supreme over all creation, as through him all things were created and exist. Furthermore, Christ is supreme in redemption, as the head of the church who reconciles all things to God through his sacrifice on the cross. Chad urges the congregation to fully submit to Christ's authority in every area of life with wholehearted devotion.