
The Holy Spirit Working Through the Scattered Church: First Called Christians 9AM

June 2, 2024 • Rick Murray • Acts 11

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! This Sunday we will be engaging with Acts 11. In this chapter we see the ‘scattered’ church at work through the power of the Spirit. During the first part of the chapter Peter gives his testimony about what happened with Cornelius and his family. He gives his explanation about the vision he had, how three messengers from the Centurion come to fetch him as their leader had been visited by an angel. Peter goes over the fact that this Gentile leader, his family and friends were all given the gift of the Holy Spirit upon their conversion.


The followers of Jesus celebrate, upon receiving the Good News. We are then given a description of the Church in Antioch and how the Holy Spirit causes that church to grow strong under the leadership of Barnabas and Saul (Paul). It is in this place that followers of Jesus are first called “Christians.”


As you read this text, be reminded of the powerful truth that Jesus is Lord of the Church and the Holy Spirit empowers the Church to do the work of service, proclamation, and evangelism.

The Holy Spirit Working Through Barnabas & Saul pt,2 11AM

June 23, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 14

I grew up inundated with TV commercials, radio pitches, slick magazine promotions. As a kid I selected toys based on incredible claims of endless fun … promises broken. I’m bombarded with ads for restaurants, detergent, sodas, clothes that look great on a perfect body, bottled water ($3 for 16oz of water, what?). Kathaleen and I once got hoodwinked into test driving a car because of the dealership’s marketing campaign. They offered two roundtrip tickets to Las Vegas if we took a test drive … they were bus tickets. In our passage this morning Paul and Barnabas continue their first missionary journey. As they visit cities and towns they talk about Jesus. What they don’t do is try to “sell” or “market” Jesus. Quite the opposite, they talk about how difficult it will be to follow Jesus. No sugar added, no celebrity endorsement, no promise of ease and comfort. They were honest, no bait and switch. How refreshing!

The Holy Spirit Working Through Barnabas & Saul pt.2 9AM

June 23, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 14

I grew up inundated with TV commercials, radio pitches, slick magazine promotions. As a kid I selected toys based on incredible claims of endless fun … promises broken. I’m bombarded with ads for restaurants, detergent, sodas, clothes that look great on a perfect body, bottled water ($3 for 16oz of water, what?). Kathaleen and I once got hoodwinked into test driving a car because of the dealership’s marketing campaign. They offered two roundtrip tickets to Las Vegas if we took a test drive … they were bus tickets. In our passage this morning Paul and Barnabas continue their first missionary journey. As they visit cities and towns they talk about Jesus. What they don’t do is try to “sell” or “market” Jesus. Quite the opposite, they talk about how difficult it will be to follow Jesus. No sugar added, no celebrity endorsement, no promise of ease and comfort. They were honest, no bait and switch. How refreshing!

The Holy Spirit Working Through Barnabas & Saul pt. 1, 11AM

June 16, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 13

This morning, not only in our church but across the country, father’s, grandfather’s, uncles, men of all shapes and sizes, are celebrated. I am thankful for those who stepped into my life and helped me understand what it meant to be a man; particularly a Christian man, husband and father (now grandfather). Many of those who influenced and guided me were not related by blood, but by a shared faith. In our long passage today (even though only a portion is included below, please read the entire passage) the Holy Spirit is present, the church listens, obeys, and sends. Three men set out. Their message of Jesus infects and inspires as it crosses national borders, religious prejudices and persecutions and reshapes human history, our history.