
ACTS: Power & Purpose

2024 Series

The Holy Spirit Working Through Barnabas & Saul pt,2 11AM

June 23, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 14

I grew up inundated with TV commercials, radio pitches, slick magazine promotions. As a kid I selected toys based on incredible claims of endless fun … promises broken. I’m bombarded with ads for restaurants, detergent, sodas, clothes that look great on a perfect body, bottled water ($3 for 16oz of water, what?). Kathaleen and I once got hoodwinked into test driving a car because of the dealership’s marketing campaign. They offered two roundtrip tickets to Las Vegas if we took a test drive … they were bus tickets. In our passage this morning Paul and Barnabas continue their first missionary journey. As they visit cities and towns they talk about Jesus. What they don’t do is try to “sell” or “market” Jesus. Quite the opposite, they talk about how difficult it will be to follow Jesus. No sugar added, no celebrity endorsement, no promise of ease and comfort. They were honest, no bait and switch. How refreshing!

The Holy Spirit Working Through Barnabas & Saul pt.2 9AM

June 23, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 14

I grew up inundated with TV commercials, radio pitches, slick magazine promotions. As a kid I selected toys based on incredible claims of endless fun … promises broken. I’m bombarded with ads for restaurants, detergent, sodas, clothes that look great on a perfect body, bottled water ($3 for 16oz of water, what?). Kathaleen and I once got hoodwinked into test driving a car because of the dealership’s marketing campaign. They offered two roundtrip tickets to Las Vegas if we took a test drive … they were bus tickets. In our passage this morning Paul and Barnabas continue their first missionary journey. As they visit cities and towns they talk about Jesus. What they don’t do is try to “sell” or “market” Jesus. Quite the opposite, they talk about how difficult it will be to follow Jesus. No sugar added, no celebrity endorsement, no promise of ease and comfort. They were honest, no bait and switch. How refreshing!

The Holy Spirit Working Through Barnabas & Saul pt. 1, 11AM

June 16, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 13

This morning, not only in our church but across the country, father’s, grandfather’s, uncles, men of all shapes and sizes, are celebrated. I am thankful for those who stepped into my life and helped me understand what it meant to be a man; particularly a Christian man, husband and father (now grandfather). Many of those who influenced and guided me were not related by blood, but by a shared faith. In our long passage today (even though only a portion is included below, please read the entire passage) the Holy Spirit is present, the church listens, obeys, and sends. Three men set out. Their message of Jesus infects and inspires as it crosses national borders, religious prejudices and persecutions and reshapes human history, our history.

The Holy Spirit Working Through Barnabas & Saul pt. 1, 9AM

June 16, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 13

This morning, not only in our church but across the country, father’s, grandfather’s, uncles, men of all shapes and sizes, are celebrated. I am thankful for those who stepped into my life and helped me understand what it meant to be a man; particularly a Christian man, husband and father (now grandfather). Many of those who influenced and guided me were not related by blood, but by a shared faith. In our long passage today (even though only a portion is included below, please read the entire passage) the Holy Spirit is present, the church listens, obeys, and sends. Three men set out. Their message of Jesus infects and inspires as it crosses national borders, religious prejudices and persecutions and reshapes human history, our history.

The Holy Spirit Working Through James & Peter 11AM

June 9, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 12:1–19

Life is fragile … I was twenty, on my way from Spokane (Whitworth) to San Francisco (home). On I-5 north of Redding Ca. I closed my eyes and drifted off. A second later at 60+ mph, I was scrapping against a rock wall. My eyes snapped open. I jerked the steering wheel to the left and back onto the freeway. If there had been a disabled car on the shoulder, a sharp turn in the road, a tree instead of the wall, a major drop-off. You’ve had those moments too … life is fragile. A chance accident … the whim of an evil person … the suddenness of a diagnosis … eyes closed for a few seconds, and our life changes (or ends) in an instant. Our health, finances, relationships, at times even our faith, is fragile. James, and then Peter, two close friends and followers of Jesus knew this. One was killed quickly. The other waited for his executioner. This morning we see the fragileness of life, and the goodness of God.  

The Holy Spirit Working Through James & Peter 9AM

June 9, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 12:1–19

Life is fragile … I was twenty, on my way from Spokane (Whitworth) to San Francisco (home). On I-5 north of Redding Ca. I closed my eyes and drifted off. A second later at 60+ mph, I was scrapping against a rock wall. My eyes snapped open. I jerked the steering wheel to the left and back onto the freeway. If there had been a disabled car on the shoulder, a sharp turn in the road, a tree instead of the wall, a major drop-off. You’ve had those moments too … life is fragile. A chance accident … the whim of an evil person … the suddenness of a diagnosis … eyes closed for a few seconds, and our life changes (or ends) in an instant. Our health, finances, relationships, at times even our faith, is fragile. James, and then Peter, two close friends and followers of Jesus knew this. One was killed quickly. The other waited for his executioner. This morning we see the fragileness of life, and the goodness of God.  

The Holy Spirit Working Through Cornelius 11AM

May 26, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 10

How does a person meet God? How does a person become a Christian? The vast majority in our world claim they’ve met God. If we’ve had an encounter with God, how much credit do we get for that? The natural (unnatural) human desire is to take more credit than we should, even for our spiritual life. How much credit do we get for finding/meeting God? For some of us it is easier to give rather than receive. God approaches us, speaks to us, gives … we receive.

The Holy Spirit Working Through the Scattered Church: First Called Christians 11AM

June 2, 2024 • Rick Murray • Acts 11

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! This Sunday we will be engaging with Acts 11. In this chapter we see the ‘scattered’ church at work through the power of the Spirit. During the first part of the chapter Peter gives his testimony about what happened with Cornelius and his family. He gives his explanation about the vision he had, how three messengers from the Centurion come to fetch him as their leader had been visited by an angel. Peter goes over the fact that this Gentile leader, his family and friends were all given the gift of the Holy Spirit upon their conversion.   The followers of Jesus celebrate, upon receiving the Good News. We are then given a description of the Church in Antioch and how the Holy Spirit causes that church to grow strong under the leadership of Barnabas and Saul (Paul). It is in this place that followers of Jesus are first called “Christians.”   As you read this text, be reminded of the powerful truth that Jesus is Lord of the Church and the Holy Spirit empowers the Church to do the work of service, proclamation, and evangelism.

The Holy Spirit Working Through the Scattered Church: First Called Christians 9AM

June 2, 2024 • Rick Murray • Acts 11

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! This Sunday we will be engaging with Acts 11. In this chapter we see the ‘scattered’ church at work through the power of the Spirit. During the first part of the chapter Peter gives his testimony about what happened with Cornelius and his family. He gives his explanation about the vision he had, how three messengers from the Centurion come to fetch him as their leader had been visited by an angel. Peter goes over the fact that this Gentile leader, his family and friends were all given the gift of the Holy Spirit upon their conversion.   The followers of Jesus celebrate, upon receiving the Good News. We are then given a description of the Church in Antioch and how the Holy Spirit causes that church to grow strong under the leadership of Barnabas and Saul (Paul). It is in this place that followers of Jesus are first called “Christians.”   As you read this text, be reminded of the powerful truth that Jesus is Lord of the Church and the Holy Spirit empowers the Church to do the work of service, proclamation, and evangelism.

The Holy Spirit Working Through Cornelius 9AM

May 26, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 10

How does a person meet God? How does a person become a Christian? The vast majority in our world claim they’ve met God. If we’ve had an encounter with God, how much credit do we get for that? The natural (unnatural) human desire is to take more credit than we should, even for our spiritual life. How much credit do we get for finding/meeting God? For some of us it is easier to give rather than receive. God approaches us, speaks to us, gives … we receive.

The Holy Spirit Working Through Peter 11AM

May 19, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 9:32–43

Do you believe in miracles? Have you experienced a miracle? We live in a world that pretends it’s all science, all business, all facts and figures, all about what we can touch, taste, hear, smell and see, hard realities, tough luck … but not far below the surface, often rising to the surface, is a plea for the miraculous. When trouble comes, most pray for a miracle. When the diagnosis catches us by surprise, we pray. When we are feeling hopeless, friendless, directionless, most of us pray for Divine help, a miracle. Surveys of religion in America reveal that 55% pray daily, 22% weekly or monthly. Even some who identify as atheists pray occasionally. That surprised me … and then it didn’t.  There comes a point, will come a point, usually many points, in the life of every person past, present, and future, when this world and what it offers is not enough. We know deep down we need more. Gizmos and doohickeys, technology and hard currency, are not enough.  We need a miracle. And that’s just what the Christian faith declares we have been given. God miraculously broke through the mundane and revealed Himself, His power, and His love. That is a much bigger miracle than we had imagined possible. And much more important. I believe miracles, healings, supernatural events, happen today. Not all my Christian friends agree with me on this. I believe we (Christians and non-Christians) are the beneficiaries of countless miracles each day, mostly unnoticed, often taken for granted, usually overlooked. And then there are “stop the press, hard to miss, overwhelming” miracles. Both kinds take our breath away, renew our souls, provide a glimpse of God’s power and love. In today’s passage from the book of Acts we read about two dramatic miracles, and the effect they had on two individuals, and on their entire communities.  When we pray for a miracle are we prepared for what will happen? God always gives, is always present, always breaks through, when we pray for a miracle. Keep praying … and then pay attention!

The Holy Spirit Working Through Peter 9AM

May 19, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 9:32–43

Do you believe in miracles? Have you experienced a miracle? We live in a world that pretends it’s all science, all business, all facts and figures, all about what we can touch, taste, hear, smell and see, hard realities, tough luck … but not far below the surface, often rising to the surface, is a plea for the miraculous. When trouble comes, most pray for a miracle. When the diagnosis catches us by surprise, we pray. When we are feeling hopeless, friendless, directionless, most of us pray for Divine help, a miracle. Surveys of religion in America reveal that 55% pray daily, 22% weekly or monthly. Even some who identify as atheists pray occasionally. That surprised me … and then it didn’t.  There comes a point, will come a point, usually many points, in the life of every person past, present, and future, when this world and what it offers is not enough. We know deep down we need more. Gizmos and doohickeys, technology and hard currency, are not enough.  We need a miracle. And that’s just what the Christian faith declares we have been given. God miraculously broke through the mundane and revealed Himself, His power, and His love. That is a much bigger miracle than we had imagined possible. And much more important. I believe miracles, healings, supernatural events, happen today. Not all my Christian friends agree with me on this. I believe we (Christians and non-Christians) are the beneficiaries of countless miracles each day, mostly unnoticed, often taken for granted, usually overlooked. And then there are “stop the press, hard to miss, overwhelming” miracles. Both kinds take our breath away, renew our souls, provide a glimpse of God’s power and love. In today’s passage from the book of Acts we read about two dramatic miracles, and the effect they had on two individuals, and on their entire communities.  When we pray for a miracle are we prepared for what will happen? God always gives, is always present, always breaks through, when we pray for a miracle. Keep praying … and then pay attention!

The Holy Spirit Working Through Ananias 11AM

May 12, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 9:1–31

Today we celebrate Mother’s Day. And we should! Today is a day we give thanks for the sacrifices and love of moms. It is also a day when heartaches are exposed, and some feel left out. Some of us did not have mothers who loved us as God intended. Others wanted to be moms but physically, or relationally, could not. And there are those who feel guilt for how they failed as a mom. Wherever you are this morning … God knows, God heals, God forgives. Last Sunday we had the gift of hearing the testimony of one of our own. Kathy wonderfully, clearly, beautifully, described how God has been her Father from her earliest days. Through dark and challenging times, as she faced deep grief, a dire health diagnosis, a broken marriage, she came to believe in the goodness and love of her heavenly Father. And her heavenly Father provided her the blessing of her adoptive and supportive parents and brother. If you missed last Sunday, you need to go back and watch, and give thanks to God! Today we read another life-changing testimony. Few would have thought Saul would become a Christian. As we see the transformation in Saul we discover there is hope for each of us, and those we know. Even the most hard-hearted, Jesus-hating, soul is not beyond the powerful, compassionate reach of God. Do not give up on yourself, or those you know and love. God hasn’t.

The Holy Spirit Working Through Ananias 9AM

May 12, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Acts 9:1–31

Today we celebrate Mother’s Day. And we should! Today is a day we give thanks for the sacrifices and love of moms. It is also a day when heartaches are exposed, and some feel left out. Some of us did not have mothers who loved us as God intended. Others wanted to be moms but physically, or relationally, could not. And there are those who feel guilt for how they failed as a mom. Wherever you are this morning … God knows, God heals, God forgives. Last Sunday we had the gift of hearing the testimony of one of our own. Kathy wonderfully, clearly, beautifully, described how God has been her Father from her earliest days. Through dark and challenging times, as she faced deep grief, a dire health diagnosis, a broken marriage, she came to believe in the goodness and love of her heavenly Father. And her heavenly Father provided her the blessing of her adoptive and supportive parents and brother. If you missed last Sunday, you need to go back and watch, and give thanks to God! Today we read another life-changing testimony. Few would have thought Saul would become a Christian. As we see the transformation in Saul we discover there is hope for each of us, and those we know. Even the most hard-hearted, Jesus-hating, soul is not beyond the powerful, compassionate reach of God. Do not give up on yourself, or those you know and love. God hasn’t.

Discovering My Good Father 11AM

May 5, 2024 • Curt McFarland, Kathy Zeigler • John 9

Every Christian has a story to tell. If you are a Christian …, do you know your faith story? Do you know how to share your story in a way that doesn’t sound preachy, or judgmental? Is your faith story easy, natural, genuine, inviting, compelling? Some faith stories are dramatic, like in the passage below. We reach a point of desperation, self-destruction, our decisions causing harm to others, and then the next moment we’re face to face with God and our new story begins. For others, it is a quiet, slow, process. One day they wake up and realize they believe in Jesus and He has been there all along. However, it happens your story is a beautiful story. This morning we have the privilege of hearing how God revealed Himself to one of our dear friends, Kathy Zeigler. I’ve known her for many years. I appreciate her compassion, her gifts, her faith. And now, because she is willing to take a risk, we will all know her God-given story. He is our good Father! Are you ready to tell your story?