
Simply By Grace Ch. 11 - A New Commitment

February 22, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Cody Wallace

In this podcast Charlie reads through Chapter 11 - A New Commitment.  As we enjoy a new life in Christ, we can also enjoy a new purpose. Jesus challenged believers to be disciples. The great commission in Matthew 28:18-20 focuses on making disciples.  Jesus called unbelievers to salvation and called believers to discipleship. One follows the other, one is free the one that follows is hard work. One is directed to unbelievers, the other believers.  Keeping them distinct is key to growing in Christ; so, find out more about what discipleship is but maybe more importantly what it is not.

So, find out more as Charlie follows his discussion with an interview with Cody Wallace. Cody is pastor of Southwest Community Church in Miami, he has a book available called Break the Mold a ministry called Transformed365

If you've never heard of Charlie's book, Simply By Grace, you can order it online.

There's also a Spanish edition available!

You can also find the Spanish versions of GraceNotes (and other languages coming soon!).

Charlie's book, Simply by Grace is an easy-to-read introduction to a core Christian belief. By looking at the major questions and issues that surround the concept of grace, Charlie helps readers understand and appreciate this God-given gift and how simple it really is. "Because only when you understand the simplicity of His grace, can you begin to understand its deep riches also."