

Midweek Teaching - Wednesdays 7pm

Romans Week 29 - Personal Greetings

May 8, 2024 • Romans 16

The believers in Rome were a varied group! Among those Paul sends special greetings to we have men and women, Jew and Gentile, imprisoned and free. Spurgeon comments; ““They were like the most of us, commonplace individuals; but they loved the Lord, and therefore as Paul recollected their names he sent them a message of love which has become embalmed in the Holy Scriptures.” Included in this closing greeting, Paul gives final words of warning and instruction culminating with praise to the God who is able to establish them and reconcile all nations to Himself through Jesus Christ.    Prepare for this week’s teaching by reading Romans chapter 16.  

Romans Week 28 - Conclusion & Travel Plans

May 1, 2024 • Dakota Searles • Romans 15:14–33

Paul has been faithful to His calling as minister of the Gospel to the Gentiles, but he seeks no glory for himself. He knows anything he has accomplished has not been by his own strength or power, but fully by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the strength of God, & because of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  Paul reminds the Roman believers of God’s grace in using him for the sake of the Gentiles, he shares his plans to come to them by way of Spain and asks them to join with him in his ministry through praying for him.    Prepare for this week’s teaching by reading Paul’s biographical summary found in Romans 15: 14-33

Romans Week 27 - The Weak and the Strong Part 2

April 24, 2024 • Romans 15:1–14

As we live into the process of becoming like Christ it is easy to become weary and discouraged. We need help both from the Holy Spirit working in us and the Holy Spirit working through us to build each other up. All of us have moments of weakness and confusion and as we learned last week, there are many disputable issues that can divide us.  Instead, we are called to receive each other, build each other up, and unify on Christ.  As the Holy Spirit equips us to live in this common bond of unity, God is glorified and we are given endurance, encouragement and peace and hope.    Prepare for this week’s teaching by reading Romans 15:1-14

Romans Week 26 - The Weak and the Strong Part 1

April 17, 2024 • Romans 14

 Cain said to God; “Am I my brother’s keeper?”* As those who live in an individualistic culture this question is familiar to us. Though our natural bent is to make decisions from this perspective, followers of Jesus are called to another way. Paul invites us to live in such a way that we aren’t breaking fellowship with each other over convictions about secondary issues. In our passage this week Paul talks a lot about food because in the early church this was a divisive issue. Should the new Christians keep kosher? What about food that has been offered to idols? In the 2024th year of our Lord food isn’t directly tied to our spiritual life like it was then, but we have plenty of these sorts of issues that divide us. Paul’s words are as important now as they ever were – to be committed to not causing another to stumble or destroy the work of God for the sake of our preference!  This remarkable way of Jesus doesn’t require us to erase our differences, but to rise above them! By the power of the Holy Spirit living within us, may it be so Lord, may it be so! Prepare for this week’s teaching by reading Romans chapter 14. *Genesis 4

Romans Week 25 - Submission, Love, Future

April 10, 2024 • Erik Miller • Romans 13

 As we continue in Paul’s practical application section of Romans love is a major theme. Love for God of course, but also what it means to live lives of love toward others. We are challenged to give to all what is owed, whether it’s taxes, honor, or respect and in all things, we are to love. Paul further explains what Is meant by Jesus words; “Love your neighbors as yourself” and how the law is met in doing so. Because we know the times we are living in, we are encouraged to be committed to a right walk with Jesus, growing more and more like Him in how we live and how we love.   Prepare for this week’s teaching by meditating on Paul’s words found in Romans 13:1-14

Romans Week 24 - Love in Action

April 3, 2024 • Erik Miller • Romans 12:9–21

Jesus said the 2 greatest commandments are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. In the first part of Romans 12, we learned a bit more of what it means to Love God in this way. In the second part of Roman’s 12, Paul helps those who have dedicated themselves to God understand what it means to love others. Love must be sincere, without dissimulation, it must be genuine and without hypocrisy. Much more than a feeling or being nice, Love shows itself in action – action that is for the good of the receiver and the glory of God.   Prepare for this week’s teaching by pondering all the ways Love is demonstrated as described in Romans 12:9-21. Ask Jesus to help you with the ones that give you pause. 

Romans Week 23 - Gospel Implications/Using Gifts

March 20, 2024 • Erik Miller • Romans 12:1–8

We don’t serve a God to whom we must offer sacrifices in order to gain His mercy. He freely gives us His mercy – which in turn fuels our response of worship and sacrifice.    In David Guzik’s commentary on Romans 12, he points out all the mercies of God Paul has explained to us thus far: ·  Justification from the guilt and penalty of sin. ·  Adoption in Jesus and identification with Christ. ·  Placed under grace, not law. ·  Giving the Holy Spirit to live within. ·  Promise of help in all affliction. ·  Assurance of a standing in God’s election. ·  Confidence of coming glory. ·  Confidence of no separation from the love of God. ·  Confidence in God’s continued faithfulness. Therefore, Paul says, dedicate your whole self to God. In contrast to the superficial values and customs of this world, give yourself over to the values and customs of God’s kingdom. This is how we mature and are transformed into Christ’s likeness. This is what it means to truly live! Prepare for this week's teaching by pondering the gospel implications and practical applications found in Romans 12:1-8

Romans Week 22 - Salvation and Israel / Doxology

March 13, 2024 • Erik Miller • Romans 11:25–36

After words of instruction with deep and sometimes mysterious truths, Paul concludes his theological explanation of the gospel with praise and awe of God’s grandure! The next major section of this letter will include practical application, but before moving on into that, take some time to read and reflect on all that you have learned in these first 11 chapters!   Prepare for this week’s teaching by reading Romans 11:25-36

Romans 11:11-24 - Ingrafted Branches

March 6, 2024 • Romans 11:1–10

In our next section of Romans, Paul talks about olive trees and the grafting, pruning, and re-grafting of both wild and cultivated branches.  Since our goal of studying is for transformative understanding, it is good for us to delve into these concepts and see how they illustrate truths about God, salvation, Jews, Gentiles, faith and unbelief.  It is also important to keep the main thing the main thing; for all who are saved, whether Jew or Gentile, stand by faith and are supported by the root of God’s grace.   Grow in transformative understanding with us as we study Romans 11:11-24

Romans Week 20 - The Remnant of Israel

February 28, 2024 • Erik Miller • Romans 11:1–10

A remnant is usually a small part from a whole, or a small quantity remaining of something. This next section Paul addresses the question of whether God has rejected His people with 2 arguments; First, since Paul, a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin, has been reconciled, then no, God has not rejected His people. Second, just as a remnant existed in Elijah’s day of those who had not bowed down to Baal, so there is a remnant of those in Israel who trust in Jesus. All of this is by God’s grace, not of any sort of works among God’s people.    Study with us Wednesday as we walk through Romans 11:1-10

Romans Week 19 - Israel's Unbelief

February 21, 2024 • Erik Miller • Romans 9:30—10:21

Every single person has sinned and is in need of a way to be reconciled to God, which was accomplished through Jesus’ death and resurrection. The way for all is the same – belief. Paul says it this way; “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”   Join us Wednesday as we study what it means to pursue salvation by faith vs. works. Prepare for this week’s teaching by reading Romans 9:30-10:21

Romans Week 14 - Frequent Disobedience of Israel and Consequences

February 14, 2024 • Romans 9:1–29

Paul’s anguish over his brothers and sisters in Israel is palpable. They were given adoption as sons, divine glory, the covenants, the law, the temple worship and promises. The promise of Jesus was fulfilled through them. The consequences for their continual hardened hearts and disobedience is real and just, but so heartbreaking. Can’t we relate? Watching ones we love reject Jesus and go their own way is so very hard and brings grief to our heart. Pain and confusion often brings forth many questions about what has gone wrong, where does the blame lie, and who is responsible for the failure. These questions mine the depths of mystery of God, his Sovereignty, and our free will.    Join us Wednesday as we read Paul’s words and seek to understand what can be understood. Prepare for this week’s teaching by reading Romans 9:1-29.

Romans Week 17 - More Than Conquerors

February 7, 2024 • Erik Miller • Romans 8:31–39

In light of all that Paul has laid out for us in Romans 8:1-30, what is our response? Can we really be sure that there is no condemnation for us in Christ? Is our standing as God’s children secure? These final verses in the chapter usher in a resounding; “Yes!” God is for us. He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. Jesus is interceding for us, there really truly is no condemnation. We cannot be separated from the love of Christ. We are held secure.   Join us Wednesday as we drink deeply from the refreshment that is found in Romans 8:31-39.

Romans Week 16 - Present Suffering and Future Glory

January 31, 2024 • Erik Miller • Romans 8:18–30

There is so little we know and so much we can’t see especially in our struggles and suffering. Glory, hope, God at work, being conformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ – these are all promises given to us by our God who has always proved faithful. It is true that the glory that will be revealed in us has no comparison to what is right in front of us. It is also true that this is a hope that we cannot yet see and so we must patiently wait for it. In our waiting we join with creation in its groaning, but we do not groan alone. As God’s children, we have the promised Holy Spirit at work in us, interceding for us and sustaining us.    Restore your hope with Paul’s words found in Romans 8:18-30 and join us on Wednesday as we study this passage further.

Romans Week 15 - Freedom from Death

January 24, 2024 • Erik Miller • Romans 8:1–17

 Thus far in Romans Paul has explained our universal and personal sin struggle. None of us is immune, none of us can, on our own, be made right with God. We are all guilty.  Who will rescue us from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God that through Christ Jesus our Lord we are rescued! Therefore, there is now no condemnation for us! What a relief! We are free from condemnation, we are free from separation, we are free from death! Prepare for our midweek teaching by reading Romans 8:1-17