
Romans Week 26 - The Weak and the Strong Part 1

April 17, 2024 • Romans 14

 Cain said to God; “Am I my brother’s keeper?”* As those who live in an individualistic culture this question is familiar to us. Though our natural bent is to make decisions from this perspective, followers of Jesus are called to another way. Paul invites us to live in such a way that we aren’t breaking fellowship with each other over convictions about secondary issues. In our passage this week Paul talks a lot about food because in the early church this was a divisive issue. Should the new Christians keep kosher? What about food that has been offered to idols? In the 2024th year of our Lord food isn’t directly tied to our spiritual life like it was then, but we have plenty of these sorts of issues that divide us. Paul’s words are as important now as they ever were – to be committed to not causing another to stumble or destroy the work of God for the sake of our preference!  This remarkable way of Jesus doesn’t require us to erase our differences, but to rise above them! By the power of the Holy Spirit living within us, may it be so Lord, may it be so!

Prepare for this week’s teaching by reading Romans chapter 14.

*Genesis 4

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