
Our Parents Sure Messed Things Up for Us

Romans 5:12-21

July 17, 2019 • Mike Nasci

You were born with a sin nature. You can thank your parents for that, and they got their sin nature from their parents. We can take our sin all the way back to Adam and Eve. When they took a bite of the forbidden fruit sin entered the World. One man (Adam) caused sin to enter the world, but one man (Jesus) came to take it away. You are justified through Christ. Now, you need to live that way!

Mike was born and raised in NM. He had very little exposure to Jesus but was introduced to new age spirituality at a young age by a family friend. By the time he was in college, he was a drug-addicted, violent, angry, guy who hated Jesus, the Bible, Christians, and Christianity. By Easter 2000 he had tried everything from Buddhism to Wicca Witchcraft in his search for answers and that's where Jesus met him. He gave his life to Christ that day and the Lord spent the next several years healing him and renewing his mind. In September 2009 he answered the Lord's call to pastor Calvary Chapel Estancia Valley where he is currently committed to passionately teaching the Bible and reaching the lost for Christ.