
The Shipwrecked Life

Acts 27:9-20

June 26, 2019 • Ben Martinez

Where do you run when life gets messy? Much like a physical shipwreck in the life of Paul, our souls can get shipwrecked too. Many times we try to avoid the wreck with things other than Jesus. We even attempt to sustain ourselves with good things like church. Jesus is the only one to cling to.

Pastor Ben has been the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Lubbock since 2003. He loves teaching the word of God and has an incredible gift of evangelism. His heart is to see everyone saved and walking with Jesus. Ben and Nathalie have been married for over 31 years and have 2 grown daughters and one beautiful grand-daughter. He can be heard on his daily radio show "In-Christ Radio" throughout the Panhandle and West Texas.