
First Responders - Part 8

A Radical Life For God

November 2, 2022 • Anthony Kollias • Ephesians 5:20, John 15:2, Isaiah 57:1, Hebrews 12:6–7, James 1:2

Radical Change-
Radical Trust-
Purpose of Suffering-
Anchor Verses: John 15:2 Isaiah 57:1 Hebrews 12:6-7 James 1:2 Ephesians 5:20
Tony's Take-Aways:
God is completely trustworthy
How we handle suffering is up to us
We can either shake our fists at God or we can approach Him with a heart of thankfulness.
Discussion Questions:
How have I suffered?
Did I trust God through it?
How can I change my mindset to trust God when I suffer?