
Revival Ready

September 24, 2023 • Pastor Paul Vaughan • Genesis 5:3–24, Mark 9:23, Jeremiah 29:13–14, Psalm 85:6

This week we will kick off a new sermon series titled "Revival." The word "revival" in the Hebrew language means "to restore, to bring back to life, to return to consciousness." And when used specifically in the scriptures it means a rejuvenation, a restoration or a renewal of interest after spiritual neglect, oblivion, or obscurity. And that's what we are praying for as a church. That we can position and posture ourselves as individuals and a church body to be ready to receive revival.

In this week's message titled "Revival Ready" we will learn how we can position and posture ourselves to get "Revival Ready." What are you believing God for? God is waiting for you to seek Him. And when you do, you will find Him. because He is not hiding; He wants to walk with you, and He wants to send revival!

Scripture: Psalm 85:6, Genesis 5:3-24, Mark 9:23, Jeremiah 29:13-14


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