
Supernatural Gaslighting

March 2, 2024

THE CORPORATE MEDIA and its deep state masters want you to believe that reality is what they tell you, not what you see with your lying eyes.

President Biden’s cognitive decline is apparent, but only a few in the media have dared break the wall of silence around that topic. This isn’t the first time the media has concealed a president’s physical limitations, but it was easier to convince the public that, say, Woodrow Wilson was still performing his duties after his debilitating stroke in an age without the Internet and social media.

We’re also supposed to believe that children are competent to demand and receive chemical sterilization and surgical mutilation, and in some states, such as Illinois, it may soon be considered child abuse for a parent to refuse to consent to such procedures for minor children.

Overseas, we continue to hear that Ukraine is on the verge of defeating Russia if we just send another aid package worth tens of billions of dollars—while at the same time we’re supposed to fear that the Russian military, which we’re assured is on the verge of losing a war to its much smaller neighbor, will roll over all of Eastern Europe if we don’t stop it now in Ukraine.

At the end of the day, this is all about stoking fear and division. If we give in, we help fulfill the prophecy that nation will rise against nation—bearing in mind that the word translated “nation” is ethnos, from which we get “ethnic.” The world is being divided back into tribes in a supernatural plot to divide and conquer.

Just remember Psalm 2: “He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.”

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