
The Prodigal Son

Luke 14–17

May 1, 2016 • Luke 14, Luke 15, Luke 16, Luke 17

THE TROUBLES of this world can be a huge obstacle to following Christ. Money, family, social status, possessions, and even religious tradition can distract us from prioritizing our lives in the proper order.

We also discuss the Parable of the Prodigal Son and the prophetic implications of Luke 17:20-37, which parallels Matthew 24:3-44. Luke adds "just as it was in the days of Lot" to the "days of Noah" reference we're familiar with from Matthew. Does this mean a return of the Nephilim "who were on the earth in those days, and also afterward"?

Jesus, the Christ

January 10, 2016 • Matthew 1, John 1, Luke 1, Luke 2

TODAY WE begin our study of the New Testament, which we will follow in chronological order just as we’re doing with the Old Testament. Our readings today begin the story of Jesus, the Christ. We discuss the differences between the styles and intended audiences of Matthew, Luke, and John, all of whom, in their own way, establish right from the start the bona fides of Jesus as the rightful heir of the kingdom of David and the kingdom of God. Here is the link Derek promised to the video presentation by Dr. Michael Heiser making a case for the birth date of Jesus as September 11, 3 B.C.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqt9pbsyy5y (note: Derek incorrectly said the “woman clothed in the Sun” prophecy was in Revelation 11).

The Baptism of Jesus

January 17, 2016 • Matthew 2, Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3

WE BEGIN to study Jesus’ ministry, the early days, beginning with his appearance to John the Baptist at the Jordan River and the calling of the first disciples: Andrew, Simon (Peter), James, and John. We also spend some time discussing the Magi, the virgin birth of Jesus, and the geopolitical climate of Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth.

The Testing of Jesus

January 24, 2016 • Luke 5, John 2, John 3, Matthew 4, Luke 4

TODAY WE encounter the Devil as Jesus is led into the desert for 40 days and then tempted — or, more accurately, tested. Thankfully for all of us, Jesus resisted the snares of physical gratification (bread), public acclaim, and earthly power. We discuss Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana, the miraculous catch on the Sea of Galilee, and the unique nature of Jesus as God’s only son.