
UFOs, Red Heifers, and Tucker Carlson

April 13, 2024

THE MOOD IN ISRAEL is tense this weekend, as intelligence sources say Iran is preparing an imminent strike to retaliate for the recent airstrike against Iran’s embassy in Damascus. 

Against this backdrop are Internet rumors about plans to sacrifice a red heifer to prepare for construction of the Third Temple. Some say it will happen on April 22, 2024. 

Unless Israel National News was wrong about the ages of the five red heifers delivered to Shiloh last July when we discussed it on this podcast (or unless someone was lying), the earliest one of them could be slaughtered, according to rabbinic tradition, is this coming September. 

Meanwhile, Iran seized a container ship owned by an Israeli in the Strait of Hormuz. This suggests that Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have been working with Israel to bypass Yemen’s blockade of the Red Sea on the other side of Arabia. 

We also discuss the recent fascination with UFOs and “aliens.” Christians should be prepared to discuss the inhuman entities that have been visiting the planet for thousands of years. They’re not extraterrestrial, they’re extradimensionsal. We call them angels. 

Finally, we address Tucker Carlson’s misinformed and antisemitic interview with Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac this week. Carlson has never been a friend of Israel, but he made his bias clear this week by giving a platform to an Arab pastor from Bethlehem who places more importance on his ethnicity than his Savior. 

Also: Keeping an eye on HPAI, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, which is now reported in seven US dairy herds. 

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