
"They Wouldn't Just Eat Any White Men That Fell From the Sky"

April 20, 2024

THOSE IMMORTAL WORDS were spoken by Michael Kabuni, a political science lecturer at the University of Papua New Guinea, responding to a false claim by President Biden that his uncle had been eaten by cannibals after being shot down in WWII.

Biden told the story twice Wednesday, in Scranton and then again in Pittsburgh. As it happens, his uncle, Ambrose J. Finnegan, was not a pilot and hadn’t been shot down; the plane on which he was flying lost power in both engines and ditched in the ocean with only the flight engineer surviving the crash.

Needless to say, the people of Papua New Guinea are not thrilled about being characterized as cannibals.

We also discuss the tense situation in the Middle East. Since last week’s program, Iran hit Israel with a wave of drones and cruise missiles, nearly all of which were intercepted. There was only one reported casualty, a 7-year-old Bedouin girl. In response, Israel on Friday reportedly destroyed the radar unit that protects Iran’s Natanz nuclear plant.

Then, Friday night, reports from Iraq indicate that somebody struck a base south of Baghdad used by Iran-backed Shia militias. Israel and the US have denied responsibility, but the Shias in Iraq blame Israel nonetheless. We discuss who may have attacked the Shias there and why.

Also: Bluetooth LE has created a mesh network independent of the Internet, ready for AI to transform into the real-world equivalent of Skynet.


Here’s the link to the video for “Watchers,” the new song by the Caspar McCloud Band, featuring the Gilberts, Pastor Paul Begley, and Col. David Giammona.

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