


March 26, 2008 • Pastor Robert R. McLaughlin

The New Covenant with Israel.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

a. The Abrahamic covenant emphasizes the Jewish race.
b. The Palestinian covenant emphasizes the land for Israel.
c) The Davidic covenant emphasizes the promised seed.

The New Covenant guarantees Israel
a converted heart
as the foundation
of all her blessings.

The New Covenant promised to Israel is stated in JER 31:31-34.

These are provisions for Israel, who are the people of the New Covenant who have believed in Christ alone, by faith alone.

1) It is an unconditional-grace covenant resting on the five "I will’s" of God.

In EZE 16:1-7, God affirms His love for Israel in her infant stage.
In EZE 16:8-14, God reminds Israel that she was chosen and related to Jehovah by marriage, but in EZE 16:15, she played the harlot.

Their beauty went to their head and they became a common whore, grabbing anyone or anything coming down the street and taking them into their bed or their place of intimacy.

Therefore, the punishment of dispersion was dealt to Israel, in EZE 16:35-52. However, this is not the final setting of Israel since there will be restoration, EZE 16:53-63. The restoration is based on the promise, EZE 16:60-62.

ROM 2:4 Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?

One of those incredible gifts is the insight into our sorrows and difficulties and trials and how all divine discipline is administered in grace.

1.) The New Covenant is an unconditional-grace covenant resting on the five "I will’s" of God.
2. The New Covenant is an everlasting covenant or is eternal. This is closely related to the fact that it is unconditional and made in grace, ISA 61:8; EZE 37:26; JER 31:35-37.

EZE 37:26 “And I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will place them and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in their midst forever.”

3. The New Covenant also promises the impartation of a renewed mind and heart which may be called regeneration, JER 31:33; ISA 59:21.

4. The New Covenant provides for restoration to the favor and blessing of God, HOS 2:19-20;
ISA 61:9.

5. Forgiveness of sin is also included in the covenant, JER 31:32.
6. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is also included in the New Covenant. Not permanent indwelling, like the Church-age believer, who has God the Father, Son and H.S. within, but the indwelling of the H.S. to teach the believer, JER 31:33-34; EZE 36:27.

7. There will be materialistic blessings for Israel in the land according to the provisions of the New Covenant,JER 32:41; ISA 61:8; EZE 34:25-27.

8. The sanctuary will be rebuilt in Jerusalem, EZE 37:26-27.
9. War shall cease and peace shall reign according to HOS 2:18.
The fact that this is also a definite characteristic of the Millennium, ISA 2:4.

10. The blood of TLJC is the foundation of all the blessings of the New Covenant, ZEC 9:11.

ZEC 9:11 As for you also, because of the blood of {My} covenant with you, I have set your prisoners free from the waterless pit.

The New Covenant, then, was made with the Jewish people. Confirmation of this covenant is given in the statement in ISA 61:8-9, where it is called everlasting, and again in EZE 37:21-28.

a) Israel is to be re-gathered.
b) Israel is to be one nation ruled by one king.
c) Israel is no longer to be idolatrous but to be cleansed and forgiven.

d) Israel is to dwell forever in the land after the re-gathering.
e) The covenant of peace is to be “everlasting”.
f) God’s tabernacle is to be with them, i.e. He will be present with them in a visible way.
g) Israel is to be known among the Gentiles as a nation blessed of God.

This covenant is a gracious covenant that depends entirely upon the five “I wills” of God for its fulfillment inJER 31:31-34.

This covenant amplifies the third great area of the original Abrahamic covenant i.e., the area of blessing.

The blessing is emphasized in the New Covenant.

Covenant theologians and the Amillennial view teach that the reference to the New Covenant in the N.T. is proof that the church is the New Israel.

This covenant was made with Israel, the physical seed of Abraham according to the flesh, and with them alone:
JER 31:31, ISA 59:20-21,
JER 32:37-40, JER 50:4-5,
EZE 16:60-63, EZE 34:25-26,
EZE 37:21-28.

The scripture clearly teaches that the Mosaic covenant or the Law was made with the nation Israel only, ROM 2:14, GAL 3:24-25, LEV 26:46, DEU 4:8.

The Law pertains to Israel only, and since this old covenant was made with Israel, the new covenant is made with the same people,
JER 31:35-37!

The sequence of events set up by the prophet Jeremiah in JER 32:37-41 is that Israel will first be re-gathered and restored to the land, and then will experience the blessings of the New Covenant in the land.

1) The re-gathering of Israel
2) Their spiritual rebirth
3) The return of Christ, ROM 11:26-27.

This New Covenant will be realized in the Millennial age,
JER 31:34; EZE 32:25; ISA 11:6-9.

They are to be fulfilled because of the faithfulness of the One making the covenants, not the ones to whom the covenant is made!

1) A nation forever
2) A land forever
3) A king forever
4) A throne forever
5) A kingdom forever
6) A new covenant
7) Abiding blessings.