



Jr. Tree of Life Nothing Is Impossible for God Noah Obeys God: Part 2
Written by: Pamela Huffman
Narrator: Carlene Calmes
Instrumental Music: Douglas Clark
Illustrations by: Gracie Lessard, Hunter Kutler, Julia Thaxton, Nancy Kadow, & Pamela Huffman

Before you begin this Bible study, if you have never believed in Jesus Christ as your Savior, John 3:16 tells us: “ For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Simply, have faith that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, and you will have eternal life and be saved. If you have believed in
Jesus Christ as your Savior; then 1 John 1:9 tells us; “If you confess your sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Simply privately tell God the Father your sins to be filled with God, the Holy Spirit, and He will teach you Bible truth. (Rebound)

Promise Memory Verse
“For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

Genesis 6:11-7:1-24-Period of Time-Age of the Gentiles
Last week, we learned that a long time ago, God saw that the whole earth was filled with violence and corruption. Much of it was caused by Satan and his group of fallen angels, as well as the evil people on earth.
Our Heavenly Father realized that something drastic had to be done, so He decided to flood the entire earth to punish them.
God picked Noah and his wife and 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, and their wives, to be saved from the flood out of all of the people in the entire world. Noah had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his savior,
and he loved and trusted God very much. God told Noah His plan for the flood, and that He wanted him to build a huge ship called an ark.

Last week we saw that Noah obeyed God even though it probably didn’t make any sense to him. During the Age of the Gentiles, when this took place, it had never rained before. In fact, Noah had lived for over 500 years by this time, and had never even had to even use an umbrella.

Can you imagine Noah obeying God for that long when everyone else hated God? I am sure it wasn’t easy.

God didn’t want all of the animals to drown, so He told Noah that He wanted him to bring 2 of every kind of animals, both male and female, and 7 of every kind of clean animals into the ark. The clean animals were for food, for Noah and his family, and for a sacrifice to God.
Noah spent a long time, in fact, 120 years, building this giant ship that was really a floating zoo. The size of it was massive, and it would take 30 cars lined up bumper to bumper for the length of the ark; 90 loaves of bread put end-to-end for the width of the ark, and 9 gorillas standing on each other’s heads for the height of the ark.
Work, work, work. Pound, pound, pound. Run up the ladders. Run down the ladders. At
last, the ark was finished! Noah loaded lots of food into the ark for him and his family, and then God sent lots and lots of animals to him. Two-by-two, in went boy and girl tigers, boy and girl zebras, and boy

and girl turtles. All kinds of birds flew into the ark, and, of course, more animals that Noah and his family could use for food and sacrifice.
Finally, the time came for Noah, who was over six hundred years old, and his family, to obey God and go inside the ark. God closed the huge door, and it was sealed so tightly that water couldn’t get inside the ark.
Seven days later, it started raining, and water rose up from the ground until there wasn’t any dry land. The water got so high that it even covered up the tops of the mountains! God kept Noah and his wife and 3 sons, and their wives safe as they floated in the giant box-like ship on top of the water. It rained and rained for 40 days and nights. Despite that, Noah kept on trusting God.
Can you imagine what it must have been like inside the ark? Birds were chirping and flying around and the monkeys chattered. I wonder if Noah or his family rode the horses around the ark to do their chores. I’m pretty sure Noah must have held his nose a lot, too, because there weren’t the most pleasant smells coming from the ark.
It seems impossible for this to happen, but impossible isn’t in God’s vocabulary. God kept Noah and his family safe in the ark. If He can keep Noah safe, then He can keep you safe, too.
Pamela Huffman 2021