
The Road to Hope - Pt. 1 - Palm Sunday

March 24, 2019 • Randy Hageman

The Road to Hope begins on a Sunday, historically called Palm Sunday, as Jesus enters Jerusalem to the cheers of a crowd. They believe he is their long-awaited Messiah and is about to defeat all their troubles. But is that an accurate picture of Jesus, then and now? Today we’ll explore what happened on Palm Sunday and what it means for us.

The Road to Hope - Pt 5. - Easter

April 21, 2019 • Randy Hageman

On Friday, Jesus hung on the cross and died. Witnesses knew he was dead and watched as he was placed into a tomb, and a stone was rolled in front of the entrance. It appeared all he had proclaimed died with him. But Sunday morning came… and the tomb was empty! It’s true – the grave could not hold Jesus! And his resurrection offers God’s love and hope to all who choose to trust and follow Jesus because he offers us the same victory over sin and death!

The Road to Hope - Pt. 4 - Friday

April 14, 2019 • Randy Hageman

Today we move forward to the Friday of Holy Week, and it has historically been called “Good Friday.” It is the day Jesus was crucified and died on the cross. What seemed to be the darkest hour – and literally was dark – when Jesus’ cause seemed lost would prove to be Christ’s glorious triumph over sin and death. We’ll explore what happened and why it’s still so important to every person on this planet!

The Road to Hope - Pt. 3 - Tuesday

April 7, 2019 • Randy Hageman

Several chapters are devoted to the events occurring on Tuesday of Jesus’ last week. Yet, perhaps none are more striking than what he teaches on the Mount of Olives, as he and the disciples stare across the valley at the Temple in Jerusalem. He warns his disciples – then and now – of challenging times ahead, but that will not be the whole story. He encourages them and us to stay prepared and keep the faith and our hopes alive, for God will have the final word!