
Dealing With My Emojis - Part 1


May 17, 2020 • Randy Hageman

One of the most common feelings in times of change like we’re in now is fear. Fear takes many forms, including anxiety. And fear can sometimes keep us out of trouble. But when it begins to make it hard to function in life, it’s time to see how God’s Word can help us navigate feelings of fear. And sometimes, as we’ll see, God uses periods of fear to help us grow and become more like Jesus.

Dealing With My Emojis - Part 5

June 14, 2020 • Randy Hageman

Over the last several weeks we’ve looked at several different emotions. But sometimes Christians get hooked on the emotion of following Jesus. The problem is that feelings don’t save us – faith does! To grow in our faith, we have to move beyond a reliance on feelings to a confidence in faith in order to truly follow Jesus. We have to recognize that sometimes the feelings won’t be there, but that doesn’t mean God has left us.

Dealing With My Emojis - Part 4

June 7, 2020 • Randy Hageman

Anger is a powerful and important emotion, and one that can be used for good and evil. And right now, in our country, we’re seeing that played out as unjust actions have led to great hurt and anger. So, how is the disciple of Jesus Christ to view anger and express it? Is it always wrong? Always right? How do we know? How can we use an emotion God created in us, in His own image, and not sin? We’ll explore those challenging questions today.

Dealing With My Emojis - Part 3

May 31, 2020 • Randy Hageman

One of the most common emotions during this pandemic has been the feeling of loneliness. Some folks have felt so isolated, even separated from family members. Yet, the truth is that America was been dealing with loneliness issues long before this pandemic. What’s different that we’re feeling this so strongly, and what can we do to overcome loneliness in our lives?