
Previous Sermon Series "Family Values"

The Role of Children

July 30, 2023 • Jen Barshinger

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matthew 19:14). If Jesus said this, why have we decided that children are an inconvenience, that they prevent us from living life to the fullest, or that they are distracting and rambunctious and therefore should not be allowed in the church service? In that very story in the gospels, it was His own disciples who took these worldly attitudes, even rebuking those who brought their children to Jesus. You can imagine that they probably thought they were saving Jesus from the headache of "dealing with them", but Jesus' response shows us that children aren't a headache at all, and that we must become like them in our faith and trust of Jesus. This week at Friendship, we'll finish up the Family Values series by talking about "The Role of Children". The children will be with us in the service, but adults need to hear this as well. It is our responsibility to train our children to fulfill the role God has given them in the family. We must foster a culture of obedience and trust, while also remembering that part of their role is to observe and learn from us. If that isn't a sobering thought that makes you as an adult want to draw closer to Jesus, I don't know what will! We hope to see you this weekend!

The Role of the Wife

July 23, 2023 • JessicaHarbold

Proverbs 18:22 tells us, "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord". So why do men, even Christian men, use ridiculous phrases like "the old ball & chain"? And why do women, even Christian women, put their husbands down and joke about "training" them to do as they are told? The short answer is "sin", but I think we can all see that there are some wicked ideas we have regarding the opposite sex that have been deeply engrained in our hearts and minds over many generations. In ancient times, women were treated more like property than human beings. They were devalued, abused, and discarded, and the Bible was even used to justify this behavior in many cases. Men, is this still how you see them today? Reflect and ask God to show you any errors. Women, is this how you see yourselves? Reflect and ask God to show you that your true identity is in Him. This week at Friendship, we continue our Family Values series with a look at the Role of the Wife/Woman in God's picture of the family. Join us to learn about God's plan for them in the home, outside the home, in society, in the Church, and as children of God!

The Role of the Church

July 16, 2023 • Pastor Logan Ames

This week we'll talk about why the Church has a role in God's picture of the family, and how we are responsible for loving and encouraging the family in both grace AND truth. I am excited for this one and look forward to having you all with us.

The Role of Older Adults

July 9, 2023

If you ever get a chance to watch the NFL or NBA Draft, one of the best parts of the event is when they interview the players who have realized their lifelong dream of being drafted and they take time to thank and remember all those who had poured into them to help them reach their pinnacle. Sometimes, the player's parents and siblings will be right there, front and center. Other times, it's a coach, a teacher, a friend, or a mentor. We see similar remembrances and thankfulness when a politician scores a victory, or even when they lose. Even in the pagan world, it is understood that every person needs the mentorship of those who have gone before them and lived longer on this earth than them. Consider how much more important it is in the Church! This week at Friendship, we'll look at "The Role of Older Adults" in God's view of the family. If you have been blessed with a number of years on this earth, it is important that you look for those in your life into whom you can pour wisdom and experience. How can you help them follow God's word? In what ways can you use even your mistakes to teach them something and warn them of the consequences of sinful behavior? Where in their lives can you provide encouragement and motivation to walk in Godly ways? These things and more will be addressed, so join us to hear how God wants to use to to accomplish His will!

The Role of Singles and Young Adults

July 2, 2023 • Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

So, what role do single persons have in God's plan for the family and the values it must display? What does God have to say about it in His word? Are you currently living a single's life? Maybe you are a widow or widower, or maybe you never wanted to or been married. Maybe you have experienced or are currently experiencing divorce. Maybe you had to move back in with your parents. What is our responsibility and purpose in our family and God's family? It is very easy to focus on the needs of self, which is defined as being selfish. But for singles that follow Jesus Christ, they can become selfless. God made all of us in His image, so whether we are married or single, we have very important roles in our own family and in God's Family. This weekend at Friendship, we will be exploring the next area the Holy Spirit of God wants us to study in our Family Values series, and that is the "Role of Singles and Young Adults". If you are single, then you MUST be here, and if you know single people, make sure you disciple them and get them here!

"God's Plan for Parenthood"

June 25, 2023 • Pastor Logan Ames

"Let God plan parenthood". Can we just stop and reflect on that statement for a second? Is there anything in any area of your life that goes better for you and your loved ones when YOU plan it than when God does? We know that God has given us the important ability of evaluating, planning, preparing, and completing our tasks in life. But all of those things must be submitted to His will and guidance, and when we go against Him and think our plan is better, it doesn't work out very well. This is true in parenthood as much as anything else. One of the most impactful things at the national March for Life in Washington, D.C. back in January was hearing woman after woman, sometimes with their husbands beside them, from all over the country publicly confessing their sin of abortion from years ago that has left them with a lifetime of regret and pain from which they are only set free by Jesus Christ and the forgiveness and freedom found in His blood. But it goes beyond that. How many of you have shut the door on the idea of adoption without considering whether or not God wants you to keep it open? How many of you have waited or are still waiting to have children because of your career or other pursuits, while you know God's first command in the Bible is to "be fruitful and multiply"? This week at Friendship, we will talk about "God's Plan for Parenthood" as it relates to not only the blessing of being parents, but also the responsibility in training our children to be our replacements in this world, then letting them go to follow Him. Don't miss this important reminder about God's sovereignty over life and how He wants us to be preparing future generations!

The Role of the Husband

June 18, 2023 • Reverend Robert Mattern

Our society is lost and falling apart. Most people agree on this, but almost everyone has a different opinion regarding how we got there and how to fix things. At the gym recently, I heard a woman say, "We need to fire everybody in Washington and start over". Would that really "fix" the issue? Are politicians really the primary culprit? Others say that we need to be more accepting towards those pushing a variety of immoral lifestyles so that everyone feels included, ignoring the damage done to families by such behaviors. And then there is the ever-popular push for "world peace" by those who believe even a world full of sinners can live at peace with one another. Mother Teresa once said, "What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family". The family unit has been constructed by God and largely ignored or abused by human beings. Yet, it remains the strongest answer to much of what ails our society. Families that submit to Jesus and operate in faith can change whole cultures. This week at Friendship, we will begin a new sermon series called "Family Values" in which we will discover what God's plan is for each role in the family, beginning with the husband/father on Father's Day weekend. We are calling all men to learn and submit to God's design for them, and urging the women in their lives to challenge them, encourage them, and hold them accountable in that design.