
The Role of the Husband

June 18, 2023 • Reverend Robert Mattern

Our society is lost and falling apart. Most people agree on this, but almost everyone has a different opinion regarding how we got there and how to fix things. At the gym recently, I heard a woman say, "We need to fire everybody in Washington and start over". Would that really "fix" the issue? Are politicians really the primary culprit? Others say that we need to be more accepting towards those pushing a variety of immoral lifestyles so that everyone feels included, ignoring the damage done to families by such behaviors. And then there is the ever-popular push for "world peace" by those who believe even a world full of sinners can live at peace with one another. Mother Teresa once said, "What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family". The family unit has been constructed by God and largely ignored or abused by human beings. Yet, it remains the strongest answer to much of what ails our society. Families that submit to Jesus and operate in faith can change whole cultures. This week at Friendship, we will begin a new sermon series called "Family Values" in which we will discover what God's plan is for each role in the family, beginning with the husband/father on Father's Day weekend. We are calling all men to learn and submit to God's design for them, and urging the women in their lives to challenge them, encourage them, and hold them accountable in that design.