
Don't Covet, Be Happy

September 18, 2022 • Pastor Logan Ames

In my home, there are somewhere between 947 and 17,685 different toys for my two precious daughters to utilize. Obviously, I'm having fun with a number I don't actually know and haven't counted, but it's a lot of toys. Yet, what continues to amaze me is how often both girls want the same exact toy at the same exact moment. Generally, this phenomenon is preceded by neither child caring one bit about any of the toys. But as soon as one of them begins to use and enjoy a scooter, markers, a toy car, or a favorite stuffed animal, the other immediately wants it and will spare absolutely no tantrum to get it. If you're laughing right now, it's because you've had children, and you totally get it. Our goal is to teach our children not only the value of sharing, but more importantly the benefit of being content with what you have instead of comparing it to what your neighbor has. This week at Friendship, we'll talk about the 10th commandment which deals with the problem of covetousness. It's a sin that we've all clearly battled since we were young children, but God's desire is for us to be content in what He has given us, and what He has done for us. Join us as we are reminded about true happiness and joy in Him!