
Daniel 9: 20-27

February 4, 2021 • Jaime Carnaggio

• God hears our prayers immediately. "As soon as you began to pray, a word went out." God listens to our prayers, not because he has to, but because he wants to, because we are his children that he loves.
• God's plans are so much bigger than we can imagine. He wanted Daniel to see that his plan involved so much more than merely a return to the land and the rebuilding of a city. God's plan didn't end with Jerusalem, it ends with Jesus!
• Daniel prayed a human-sized prayer, and he got a God-sized answer!
• There are many ways to interpret this vision, and many variations of the way the segments calculate out, but all variations point us to the Anointed One, Jesus, and his redemptive, atoning work. All variations tell us that in the end, God wins!
• Our salvation was written in history, at the exact moment God intended. "Infinite wisdom dictated the hour at which the Messiah would be born, and the moment at which he would be cut off." History doesn't happen by chance; it's being unfolded according to God's perfect plan, in his perfect timing.
• God included Daniel in his kingdom work, because he loved him. This is true for us today (Ephesians 2: 10). Until Jesus comes again, we have a purpose here on this earth. He includes us in his work, we are part of the unfolding of his plan. So we hold firm, we walk in his ways, and we do what we can to make him known.
• Question for Reflection: We, like Daniel, pray for things right in front of us, which is right and good. But God's plan is far grander than we realize. How can you make sure you pause regularly and meditate on the cosmic extent of God's perfect plans?