
Daniel 12

March 4, 2021 • Jaime Carnaggio

• Resurrection day will also be a separation day! (Read Matthew 25!) This should create a sense of urgency, to be burdened for unbelievers, to go and make disciples. There is much at stake!
• Yet, we can be comforted knowing that for the "wise" (those who fear in the Lord, for believers), our name is written in the book, our heavenly citizenship is secure!
• Jesus' resurrection guarantees OUR resurrection! (Romans 6: 5) We will rise in glory to everlasting life because we are united IN CHRIST's death and resurrection.
• We aren't to know the "When" or "How long" until the end time comes. God has revealed that to us. In fact, Matthew 24: 36 tells us, "But concerning that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only."
• What we do know for sure is that the end is coming! Evil has an expiration date! We don't know that date, but God does.
• So what are we to do as we await that day? "Go your way, Daniel!" Keep doing what God has set before you. We should be much less concerned about WHEN the end will come, and much more concerned with how we live our lives in preparation for the end! God will reveal what we need to know when we need to know it. He will make sure the wise will understand, and be purified, cleansed, and refined.
• These end-time prophecies should move us to action, to pursue holiness, to keep living right NOW for God's glory. "Future destiny impacts present discipleship!" (David Platt)
• Because something glorious awaits us . . . Our future inheritance in God's everlasting kingdom! We go on living faithfully in this corrupt world, laboring on by the power of the Holy Spirit, waiting in hope and assurance of the inheritance that's stored up for us!