
Getting the Color Right

I Samuel 7: 2-12

June 30, 2019 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Idols come wrapped in a different story than the story of God’s redeeming work in Scripture. They come with an alternate story about the purpose of human life, its main problems and what to do to overcome the problem and have a good life. They challenge the understanding that we are beloved creations of God, who are also sinful and in need of a savior. We exist to glorify God and enjoy him forever, but cannot get there without humbly asking for the grace of Christ. Let's consider our idols in terms of colors. And that Samuel’s call (1 Samuel 7: 2-12) is a call for us to get the color right in our lives. Green, Rainbow, Red.

"Getting the Color Right"
Gerrit Dawson
1 Samuel 7: 2-12
