
Hannah's Song

I Samuel 2: 1-2:10

June 23, 2019 • Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson

Hannah’s song teaches us that the Triune God of Grace works on a level far above our sight. He is working in our lives beyond every expectation. We can’t get this God to do what we want. But we can learn two important markers. The proud will get taken down. Whenever I think I am self-sufficient, I am heading for a reversal. When I think I don’t need the God who made me for himself, that I can solve my life myself, things will unravel. But in humility, in crying out from the brokenness that is inevitable in life, I discover how Christ lifts us from the dust. As the old song says, we can “trade ashes in for beauty and wear forgiveness like a crown.”

"Hannah's Song"
Gerrit Dawson