
Daniel 7

January 14, 2021 • Jaime Carnaggio

• Notice Daniel's rightful fear and distress as he processes his vision and asks the angel for help.
• Read Revelation 13:1-8. What do the beasts represent beyond "four kingdoms of the world?" Sin. Evil. Satan's power. All that opposes God. The real "beast" we face is not the world in and of itself, it's the sin & evil that still exists and lurks in the world.
• However, as big and fierce as these beasts seem, the Ancient of Days is even more glorious. So much so that Daniel's attention immediately shifts from these seemingly horrific and powerful beasts, to a BIGGER Ancient of Days.
• Read verse 14 slowly. What is being said here about the Son of Man?
• Now read verses 18 and 27. Who are the "saints" or "holy ones" and what do those verses mean for them?
• We are in this world, but not of this world. We live in this already-not yet period… the “not-yet” part means that the world’s kingdoms have yet to be completely destroyed, the sin and rebellion of this world is still lurking and will have power “for a time” which means this life will be difficult, there will be suffering, and that will be true until Jesus comes again. But the “already” part means that we can ALREADY claim victory, we can ALREADY stand in victory with the one who won the war for us, we can ALREADY take our rightful place as a daughter of the One True King, as a citizen of heaven, even now. Amen.