
Focus on the Family Weekend: May 11-12 2024

May 11, 2024

Dr. Randy Schroeder describes practical habits to help couples navigate expectations in marriage, build emotional closeness, and resolve disagreements. Then Jerry Jenkins shares about his creative writing career and the impact of his books for the Kingdom of God. He talks about the power of The Chosen television show, written by his son Dallas, and their collaboration on a series of novels he is writing based on the show.

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Focus on Marriage Assessment

The Chosen, Volumes 1-3

Adventures in Odyssey

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Focus on the Family Weekend: Jun 15-16 2024

June 15, 2024

Often, children act out because they are used to getting attention through bad behavior. Dr. Kevin Leman offers advice to help parents transform their child’s behavior. He discusses the benefits of allowing your kids to learn from real-life consequences and describes the importance of understanding your child’s temperament based on his birth order. https://sf.fotf.com/bnzhoe https://sf.fotf.com/gtp8w1 https://sf.fotf.com/l6t8j1 https://sf.fotf.com/76lwdn https://feedback.focusonthefamily.com/s3/podcastsurvey

Focus on the Family Weekend: Jun 8-9 2024

June 8, 2024

Young men seem to be floundering quite a bit in today’s culture. Author Brant Hansen has some great ideas to help you take responsibility, find the right kind of ambition, and cast a bigger vision for your life. Then British evangelist J.John challenges believers to live up to our tremendous God-given potential by letting Jesus into the driver’s seat of our lives. With humorous stories of his many years in ministry, J.John explains that the essence of Christianity is to know Christ, and make Him known to others. https://donate.focusonthefamily.com/don-daily-broadcast-product-2024-05-07?refcd=2077407 https://www.focusonthefamily.com/young-men-need-your-help-form/?refcd=2077407 https://www.focusonthefamily.com/j-john-collection-signup/?refcd=2077407 https://store.focusonthefamily.com/coming-home-2020/?refcd=2077407 https://feedback.focusonthefamily.com/s3/podcastsurvey

Focus on the Family Weekend: Jun 1-2 2024

June 1, 2024

Jim Daly welcomes Darryl Strawberry and his wife, Tracy. Darryl recounts his successful days as a major league baseball player and his subsequent problems with substance abuse and bad habits. He had two failed marriages, as well as several stints in rehab. He met third wife, Tracy at Narcotics Anonymous and they have been married since 2006 and now run a recovery center, are ordained ministers and speak often about the redemption they have found in Jesus Christ. https://donate.focusonthefamily.com/don-daily-broadcast-product-2024-05-22?refcd=2071803 https://hoperestored.focusonthefamily.com/?refcd=2071803 https://www.focusonthefamily.com/family-qa/spouse-struggles-with-drug-abuse/ https://www.focusonthefamily.com/marriage/sexual-trauma-and-its-effect-on-marriage/ https://feedback.focusonthefamily.com/s3/podcastsurvey