Sermon Notes: Thursday, June 13 & Sunday, June 16, 2024
One of my spiritual disciplines is to “pray” my way down the road. I use what I see
out the window to prompt me to pray for a particular situation or need. Often, when I
drive by a church where women can’t serve or lead, I pray for the girls in that
congregation, that feel called to ministry, leadership or service within the church, to
find mentors in their lives so that they may find a place to serve God. I am so thankful
that I don’t have to offer such a prayer when I pull into the parking lot of First United
Methodist Church.
Paul writes in Ephesians that God gave us Gifts of the Spirit for the equipping of
God’s people for the work of serving and building up the body of Christ. God gave all
people gifts, so that we might use them for the glory of God and these gifts are not for
a select few but for all who follow Jesus. (Ephesians 4:1-16)
During my first year of ministry at FUMC, I have come to appreciate how God has
gifted you for ministry and how many of you use those gifts within the church. The use
of gifts is not limited by gender, age, marital status, a pristine past, sainthood, or a
checklist from the church. We are a place where all are empowered and equipped to
use their gifts for ministry. This is wonderful, because I don’t think that God created
you the way which you are and blessed you with the gifts that you have been given by
the Holy Spirit, so that you or the Church could squander those gifts. At FUMC, we
believe and practice the priesthood of ALL believers, and that is beautiful for the Body
of Christ. #WeAreFirst Sherri Reynolds