Sermon Notes: Thursday, June 20 & Sunday, June 23, 2024
Last year, I visited Epworth by The Sea on Saint Simon’s Island, Georgia.
While I was there, I explored the massive oaks which adorn the property,
many hundreds of years old and draped with Spanish Moss. I stood in awe of
these massive trees, considering the history which occurred in their lifetimes.
Were they seedlings when John Wesley made his missionary journey to the
region? What occurred under their branches during the Revolutionary War or
Civil War? What did the trees witness as generations of campers and
conference goers rested in their shadows? Then my mind went to the storms
which they endured. To have grown that big they had to have endured
drought, floods, storms, and tremendous hurricanes. Yet the trees stand
strong. It is likely that they stand strong and endure because of their root
system. The root system holds them in place through all seasons, and
because of the root system they can grow strong. I believe that we as a
congregation can say the same.
Paul writes in Colossians that we are to be rooted and built up in Christ,
established in faith (Colossians 2:6-15). We are a congregation deeply rooted
in Christ and out of that deep connection we are also “rooted” in tradition,
liturgy, and Wesleyan theology. This is not an attachment to the past which
keeps us stuck or looking back, but a firm foundation which anchors us so
that we can grow in Christ. During my first year of service at the church, I
have come to appreciate just how deep those roots go and what a beautiful
strength they are for this congregation.
Rev. Sherri