Sermon Notes: Thursday, June 6 & Sunday, June 9, 2024
I grew up on a farm. My grandfather and my parents always had a garden. Every
year they did the same time and went by the same routine for planting. However,
every crop did not yield the same results. There were times when the garden did not
produce enough to fill our table and there were seasons when our table overflowed
and there was enough to share with neighbors. Every year they planted, despite the
results of the year before, trusting that this year would be the bumper crop. Jesus said
that our sharing about God’s kingdom was like a farmer planting seed. There would
be times when the kingdom would grow greatly and there would be times when the
message would not produce growth. Despite the results, we are called to continue to
plant (or invest), trusting God for the increase. (Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23)
During my first year at First United Methodist Church of Gadsden, I have come to
appreciate that you are a generous congregation who invests your resources, time,
prayers, service, and witness in this congregation. Through your generosity we are
changing lives and creating a firm foundation to make disciples of Jesus for the
transformation of the world. It is truly beautiful to see how you come together investing
to be the church. #WeAreFirst
The next time you gather with your church family, I encourage you to notice the
generosity evident in the Body of Christ. Give thanks to God for the opportunities of
investment and look for new avenues to live into your membership vows.
#WeAreFirst Rev. Sherri