
Living The Lord's Prayer ... Who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name

January 14, 2024 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Philippians 2:1–11

Last Sunday, we began our sermon series on the LORD’s Prayer. When Jesus’ disciples asked their Rabbi to teach them to pray as he did, he gave them the prayer that we have come to know as the LORD’s Prayer. Last week, we focused on the opening two words of the prayer, “Our Father.” This is more than a simple opening salutation directing the destination of our petitions; it is a declaration of who God is. In declaring who God is, we also recognize who we are in relation to God. This is further clarified by Jesus’ encouragement to pray to our God who is in heaven and whose name is to be hallowed. Our God is transcendent. Yet, the God who is in heaven has taken on human flesh in the incarnation. God was willing to humble himself and put on the flesh of His creation, the way of the disciple is also found in humility as we adore God's presence. This adoration allows us to be mindful of Christ's presence with us even though we are sinners and invites his grace and mercy to lead us into true repentance and unceasing prayer.

In preparation for this Sunday, meditate on Philippians 2:1-11