
Living the Prayer He Gave Us - “Give us this day our daily bread.”

January 28, 2024 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Matthew 18:1–5

The LORD’s Prayer is named because it is Jesus who gave us the prayer. However, it is more accurate to call it “The Disciple’s Prayer” because, for 2000 years, Jesus’ followers have turned to this prayer in our petitions and humble submission. The second petition of the prayer instructs us to pray for our Father’s provision in our daily needs. Specifically, “Give us this day our daily bread.” For many, this is the most comfortable and familiar portion of the prayer. It most accurately reflects the most common practice of prayer; a sincere desire for God to meet our needs on a daily basis. Yet, living this petition in sincere faith requires a posture that is significantly counter-cultural. A posture of child-like faith. Join us this Sunday, as Pastor Chris explores the second petition of the LORD’s Prayer. In preparation, read Matthew 18:1-5.