
Biblical - Week 1

August 28, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Hebrews 5:11–14, James 1, James 2

This Sunday, we begin a new series entitled "Marks of Christian Maturity." As First Covenant Church, we are Biblical, Devotional, Connectional, and Missional. As Jesus- followers, we are invited to grow in maturity in these values and others. But what does a spiritually mature person look like? In reference to maturing in ways associated with our core values, Scripture points to at least 10 marks of Christian maturity. Over the next two weeks, we will be looking at maturity in regard to Biblical attitude and action.

To begin, a mature Christian committed to living Biblically recognizes the difference between right and wrong and does what is right. Theology is more than just having thoughts about God, it is the manner in which we live BECAUSE of our knowledge of God. Mature believers understand the connection between faith and works (James 2:14-26) and are able to digest the hard teachings of Scripture, absorbing them into their lives as evidenced by their attitudes and actions expressed in faithful obedience (Hebrews 5:11-14).

The New Testament consistently commands Jesus' followers to mature in their faith. This command is for all of us. Jesus instructs His chosen disciples to mature as disciples who go and make more disciples. How would you describe your spiritual maturity? Are you a new Christian - an infant or toddler - learning and experiencing life in Christ for the first time? Are you an adolescent believer, cherry-picking the teachings of Jesus that you like but fighting against the life transformation that calls for sacrifice? Maybe you are a spiritual adult who lives in righteousness, having disciplined yourself to walk in humble obedience with the Holy Spirit. Or perhaps, you see yourself as a spiritual parent who is actively committed to raising new Disciples of Jesus who in turn make more Disciples of Jesus. There is always room to grow and mature, our real danger comes when we choose to stop.

In preparation for this Sunday, read Hebrews 5:11-14 and James chapters 1-2.