
Saved Into a New Life

April 16, 2023 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • 1 Peter 1:3–9

The Bible contains two letters written by the Apostle Peter to socially disenfranchised Christians. His appeal is for them to live steadfastly as those saved by Jesus Christ with faithfulness, holiness, and love. For Peter’s readers, they had been born again into a new life in Jesus; yet they were living in an old world steeped in darkness and sin. Because of this, they can anticipate persecution, resentment, and hatred from the world.  

Peter begins his letter by emphasizing the hope and joy Christians have through salvation. We are saved from sin and death into righteousness and eternal life! The Christian’s inheritance is not found in this old world. Our values and priorities are not to be dictated by this old world. Our devotion and dedication are not to this old world, but to the Kingdom of Heaven.

In preparation for this Sunday, read 1 Peter 1:3-9.