
"Stick Together to Stand Out"

May 14, 2023 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • 1 Peter 3:8–17

As we prepare to wrap up our current series, Living My New Life in an Old World, we consider the Apostle Peter’s words to some of the churches he knew were in the midst of hard times.  Peter understood that these young believers would need encouragement to stay true to Christ as the pressures from their unbelieving society pressed against them.  Peter recognized that for these churches to both survive and evangelize their world, they would need to rely heavily on the Holy Spirit and the community of fellow believers.  They must remain connected, do good and seek peace.  It would be their actions of faithful obedience that would both hold them together as a redeemed people and expand their witness. 

This Sunday, we will be looking at 1 Peter 3:8-17.